View Full Version : Asthma or panic attack?

16-05-08, 22:09
I am waking at night regularly not being able to breathe properly. My peak flow recording is low and both my children have asthma but I have never been diagnosed.

When I wake I am in a kind of dreamlike state. I think I can see things in the room that aren't there and it feels like I am going to die. The feeling is overwhelming and I get quite frightened and start to panic. Last night I was my most frightened yet. I grabbed my husband in bed and said "don't let anything happen to me . . . I am so frightened". When I calmed down I felt a bit silly but it has really worried my husband. I tried to make light of it but I am actually getting quite concerned about myself.

I am not sure if it is asthma which causes my breathing to shallow and my brain to panic, or whether it is a panic attack causing my breathing to shallow. I know that I snore at night and I suffer with catarrh and allergy to dust mite, so I am also wondering if I have sleep apnoea.

Does anyone else have similar symptoms.

Thanks for listening.

17-05-08, 06:20
Hi Lily,

My feeling would be that you should call with your GP and discuss this.
Getting out of the regular sleeping pattern can be very upsetting and distressing.One possible solution could be a one week course of sleeping tablets to help get you back into your normal routine.
Your GP will of course be able to discuss your concerns about asthma and allergies too and may be able to resolve this issue very easily for you.
Best wishes,

18-05-08, 21:37
Check your peak flow at these times..if the same as daytime levels its all in the mind.

19-05-08, 01:00
Do you know what your normal peak flow range is? If you've never been diagnosed I'm not sure if a doctor told you what your normal peak flow range is.

19-05-08, 01:05
Check your peak flow at these times..if the same as daytime levels its all in the mind.

Your peak flow actually drops in the mornings and gradually gets higher towards the nighttime so that wouldn't really be reliable.

19-05-08, 20:36
Your peak flow actually drops in the mornings and gradually gets higher towards the nighttime so that wouldn't really be reliable.

Of course it would,i blow 740 beleive it or not,my danger point (to me) is 650 and under (we all different thats when i wheeze)...so if you measure your morning flow and compare it to your feeling asthma blow you will know whats not good....i blow 700 in the morning and raises as you say thru out the day to 740.

19-05-08, 20:51
I know but if she's never been diagnosed with asthma so she hasn't got a danger point for asthma. It's reliable method for if you have asthma but it's not for if you want to know if you have asthma or panic - for that you need to go to the doctors.

I don't like the peak flow meter, I blow over the average reading I should have for age and height even when my lungs are playing up. ¬.¬