View Full Version : feeling heavy

16-05-08, 22:26
hello everyone has anybody got depression after suffering from anxity and panic attacks as my depression seems to have got worse since mine started i also get this feeling of heaviness its like im being held back and feel like im swaying when i walk. does anyne else have these feelings. im also feeling very down at the moment and cant stop crying my anxiety seems to be getting worse again i dont no how i keep sane after all these different feelings going i very thankful for nmp its been a great comfort to me thanks for litening to me go on. lin:weep:

16-05-08, 23:30
Hi Goth!
Your post got me thinking about how my depression has felt when I have been at my lowest of ebbs. It can feel like a concrete block has been tied round my middle and is pulling me down, almost as if my body is going to snap shut, my head and torso being crushed against my legs. It's a horrible physical sensation that can last a while. I've often lay on the floor during these times and still felt that I wasn't low enough to the ground.
You are right too, often after bouts of anxiety and panic the depression can set in, particularly if we start to avoid things and become more housebound in the process. We lose our perspective and focus heavily on how we are feeling and it can all become a viscious circle. You stay sane Goth, because these are not symptoms of insanity, even though it feels a helluva lot like it.
One of the best ways to alleviate your anxiety is activity and distraction. I know how hard this can be when you feel really low. I've been bed bound by depression a few times in my life. But even the smallest thing, like turning on the radio and makin a cuppa can help. And smile even if you don't find anything to smile about 'cause apparently the action itself can make you feel that little bit better.
Hope you feel a little better soon and just wanted to let you know you are not alone in how you feel.

Take care

Lynne x

16-05-08, 23:36
thanx for your message lynne its nice to no your not alone when we are feeling a bit low i think its because i feel so alone sometimes even when my husband and daughter are here thanx again. love lin x