View Full Version : Today I have.....Saturday

17-05-08, 08:27
This is the place to put your achievement/s for today no matter how tiny they were to you they were a triumph xxhugxx :hugs:

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that
take our breath away"

17-05-08, 08:29
You can't wrap love in a box,
but you can wrap a person in a hug.


17-05-08, 09:51
Today I am just going to cope with being me! Woke up tearful and feel so down so just coping will be enough!!!!!

Love Hazel xoxo

P.S might post later if my mood changes to a better one!! That would be good!

17-05-08, 10:00
Morning Hazel I hope the day brightens for you xxhugxx:hugs:

17-05-08, 12:25
Today Im going to cheer on Pompey in the FA cup:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

If they win Im gonna crack open a bottle of real rum that my mate brought me back from the carribean:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

70% proof so then I will fall asleep I guess:whistles:

Happy Saturday everyone:hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

17-05-08, 12:55
Enjoy your afternoon Kazzie xxhugxx

17-05-08, 16:44
Day got a bit better with a big cry. Always works a treat. Time is 16.40 and looking at the score I think Kaz might be crying tomorrow with the hangover!!!!! Way to go Pompey!

I have done some stuff today. Sorted Jakes room out. HUGE achievment that what with him being nearly 11 and hitting puberty!!! Smells much better now. (The room that is!!!) LOL

LoveHazel xo

17-05-08, 16:47
Day got a bit better with a huge cry. Works a treat. I tidied up Jakes room so that was a HUGE achievement. Even for someone who is super fit and healthy!!!!! Oh the joys of untidy kids.

Think the party is at Kaz's house as 5 mins of match left and Pompey winning. Have a good night!!!:yesyes:

Thanks for PM Lindy You are a star!!

Love Hazel xox

Cathy V
17-05-08, 17:10
I managed to go to the local Spring-fest they have here. Was dreading it bcoz of the crowds and the noise, but bcoz it was raining not too many turned out. So i was able to just amble around and try to ignore the jelly legs and ectopics. Mind you the small beer in one of the beer tents might have helped too :D !

I feel a bit confused this week tho, coz last monday i had a brilliant day with no panics and i went swimming!

Best wishes
Cathy v xx

17-05-08, 17:17
Thanks Lindy:hugs:

Lol Hazey:D

:hugs: Cathy

WE WON:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

17-05-08, 19:34
Today I have.....worked my final shift for an awful company. felt really emotional about leaving my wee service user, but, off to an new job on Monday. ran the b/f a bath and cooked his dinner, hes been off on holiday this week and got up every morning at 5:30 to take me to work. The wee sweetie pie. Well done on everyone's achievements so far xxx

17-05-08, 19:38
Pooh a new job how wonderful. big hug xxhugxx:hugs: and one for b/f who has been a star* this week :hugs: xxhugxx

Cathy V
18-05-08, 01:22
Hey pooh, good luck with the new job :yesyes:

Cathy xxx :)