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17-05-08, 13:55
hey, since last night i have a toothache and jaw ache. it's not that painful but it is there and is making very worried and anxious.

i am going to book a dentist appointment on monday but i am terrified as i have a phobia of dentists. however i havn't seen a dentist for about 3/4 years (since i have had to pay). i am so scared something serious is wrong and they won't be able to treat it.

just wondered if anyone has been to see a dentist about toothache or knows someone that has and what are the sort of causes of it? are most things treatable? any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Please reply ASAP
Many Thanks
Luv Louise

17-05-08, 14:46
hiya i just been to dentist yesterday and i got a phobia too and i was terrified but it went great and didnt urt at all. please go before you end up in so much pain. it happend to me ages ago i got an abbcess and i left it and in end i was crying day and night until i went dentist, please dont leave it you prob either need filling or an infection like abcess if it is that they wont touch it but they will give you pencillin and strong painkillers if you need them. i never go only in dire emergencys but its silly as it never hurts me and i panic for nothing, please go xxxxx

17-05-08, 15:05
yea i will go, i don't actually have a dentist at the minute though but my dad said he could get me registered with his dentist. i'm still very nervous though as drink a lot of sugary drinks and eat a lot of bad foods so i'm gonna get into trouble. any more advice?

17-05-08, 15:15
well a nice dentist wont tell u off and will just advise you hun and also put u at ease. a good tip is always use mouth wash morning and night a good one like listerine its really strong but gets rid of loads of plaque and mess and keeps it all clean xx

18-05-08, 00:05
i'm starting to doubt what i have is toothache now. the pain is more around the jaw area and facial area as apose to actually coming from within the teeth. anxiety is really messing with my head. any advice?
please reply
luv louise

18-05-08, 00:14
hiya please dont panic if you got an abccess then the whole cheek and jaw may really hurt mine did when i had had those but please see dentis cos if it is they wont do anything as they need to giv u anti biotics to get rid of it and if u leave it it will get really bad and painful like mine did. the dentist dont hurt i just had to go for filling recently and was so scared but didnt hurt at all. hugs xx

18-05-08, 00:23
it's not really really painful though. its like a dull ache, sort of like a headache but in the cheek bones and jaw.

18-05-08, 04:39
My wisdom teeth have been giving me dull aches and headaches lately. I am not a fan of the dentist at all and chickened out when it came time to get my wisdom teeth out. But dentistry has come so far these days that the pain, etc is so minimal and they do so many great things to ensure you are relaxed etc. I hope all turns out well

18-05-08, 06:35
There are so many nerves in the face that it is no wonder other areas apart from your tooth hurt.

When I have had toothache I have also had terrible pains in my temple that's what makes toothache so awful the amount of nerves reacting to the problem.