View Full Version : dizzyness

07-04-05, 11:20
hi again everyone,
can anyone give me any advice on how to calm down the dizzyness/unsteadyness, ive been getting this everyday for quite a while, will it ever go:( i think its the worse symptom ive ever had, it dont seem to let up even when im relaxed[as i can be]
thanks for reading
luv sue[Sigh...]

07-04-05, 12:49
hi Sue,

All I can suggest is relaxation tapes. They really helped me with my dizziness. Have you tried any?

Sarah :D

07-04-05, 16:22
...and exercise or complete distraction.

Ensure you've eaten something recently too.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

07-04-05, 16:47
hi su
I am assuming that you have been to see your GP. I to suffered from dizzy spells and they are really awful...at times the only way i could feel steady was to hold on the kitchen worktops while doing tea or washing up...if felt as though every thing was at a slight slope and any movement would send me dizzy. I have to agree with the relaxation thing....also if you are overbreathing without knowing ...even slightly this may make you feel dizzy.

take care[:X]

07-04-05, 19:52
Hi Sue - I can understand how horrible it is to feel unsteady and dizzy. It is my main symptom of anxiety. There are days when I feel so dizzy that even lying on the bed doesn't help. I feel like I am giddy and falling/spinning through the matress. My head just swims. I had balance tests and I do have an inner ear in-balance. Some physio exercises I was given really help with re-gaining balance.
1 - Stand on left foot for 10 seconds ( repeat with right foot)
2 - Stand on left foot for 10 seconds with eyes closed (repeat with right foot) ((Stand near a support for this as you can really wobble))
3 - Stand on left foot and trace the alphabet with your right foot without putting your right foot on the floor between letters. (Repeat with Right foot)
These really help me - but on a bad day it can be hard to steady my wobbliness to do them! Overbreathing is also a major contributor to my dizzy spells (they last all day not a spell though!)
Hope these help
Love Dawn x

07-04-05, 23:01
hi sue,
this was my major symptom when my panic was at its peak - i had it all day every day.
it sounds really sad but i learned how to crochet and i did it for hours on end - it helped to distract me and because i was concentrating so much, i sometimes forgot about the dizzyness. this in turn meant that my breathing calmed down (i was definitely over breathing and over swallowing) and i eventually felt a bit better. it took ages for the permanent dizzyness to stop but it did, eventually.
it might be tempting to stay lying down all the time but try to walk around a bit - it seems to help things. my relaxation cd practically saved my life - if you haven't got one, i really recommend it.
anyway, hope you feel better tomorrow,
henri x

08-04-05, 12:05
thanks henri,
its not just the dizzyness its the feeling sick and the slight headache in my eyes esp in the morning, im ok when i first wake up and then after a while it comes on its not a pleasant combination to have is it, it usually goes off a bit in the evening.
regards sue:(

11-11-06, 20:02
Hi Sue

New user just happened to find this site??

Hows your dizzyness???

I started getting dizzy in Feb of this year. After a month really had enough so I went to the Dr's- they checked my ears all seemed ok so she gave me some travel tablets and guess??? they didn't work. The dizzyness got worse standing, walking, sitting and even in bed.... so went back again. The Dr sent for me to see the ears nose and throat specialist which there was a few months waiting list... I'd had not change and by luck it went in June, I thought i'd gonna have to cancel my holiday as I thought my head would pop with the flight... but all was good. But when i got back from holiday I started getting pains in my ears and my dizzyness all started again. I finally got my appointment in August and the specialish didn't have much to say...and sent me for a Head/brain scan.....had this in Oct and still waiting to see whats wrong???
It feels like a really had hangover cross with me downing a triple brandy...a dizzy fuzzy head. With both my dizzyness and bad throbbing earaches just about had enough.
So if you've had any luck to tell???? please.

11-11-06, 22:13
hey all, diamondz in particular.
aside from my ocd and phobias of illness, i have a separate problem of diziness. for the past... erm...5 or so years, ive had labyrinthitis - initially a virus which affects the inner ear balance mechanism - which most who get it suffer for a week or so, then are fine, i get it constantly. for almost a year i couldnt move without feeling like i was in a washingmachine, so i lay propped up on the floor and held on. i still have major problems reading, as the eyemovement across the page sets of the sensations.
for me this has nothing to do with my anxieties, but from all these other posts i have no doubt for others it is part and parcel of the whole fun experience!
ive had all the tests you mentioned, - imagine my delight when the consultant i have to wait a year to see saw me for 5 mins and said " scar on your brain from the virus. nothing we can do" nice!!! anyway the mri, for which i had to wait another 9 months showed no such thing
all i can suggest is that if the tablets arent working, ask for others. Drs tend to start dizzy people on sturgeron,(sounds like a fish to me). this had no real affect on me whatsoever, now i take cinnarazine when i need to - thats the stuff they give out on planes to knock people with airsickness out - a suprise to me that they had that effect, as i was taking 6 a day for months with no drowsiness at all!

there are some exercises you can try which train the inner ear to relearn balance - on the off chance your dizziness isnt anxiety related - tho mine gets worse when im freaking just from the general ARRRGGGGHHH!
you should ask your doctor about these, its a form of physical therapy, where you look at certain points, move your eyes, move your head etc. its a discipline like CBT and exposure therapy, only works if you do it often! i still havent managed to keep it up, mainly coz it has to get worse to get better, and ive had quite enough of being bad dizzy for a lifetime just now thanks!!!

pm me if you have any questions or just want to talk, ill check back here 2.
take care petal

Vix [^]

11-11-06, 22:28
Hi Sue

Sorry to hear about your dizziness and unsteadyness. Have you thought about seeing an Osteopath? It might be of help to you. I work for a Osteopath and he is treating several people who suffer from dizziness - It might be worth ringing up your nearest Osteopath and having a preliminary chat to see if he/she can do anything for you. Good luck Love Alison

29-04-08, 12:27
Hi there, im so glad i found this site...Im desperate, these symptoms are ruining my life, im tapping away at the keyboard now and feel like im falling into it! I have had dizziness everyday for a month or so now, and have had it lots in the past. The doctor gave me anti vertigo tablets last week but they dont help. Along with the dizziness i have a stiff jaw, a feeling that there isnt enough room in my mouth for my toungue, aching teeth! Terrible palpitations, headaches and occasaional ibs. i had to quit my job and now i feel like i will never be well enough to work again! im 24 and im so down about it! I had to leave my life and friends in london to move back to my parents! The doctor here doesnt realise the severity of these symptoms, have only seen him once but feel i will have to persist. going for blood tests today for thyroid etc....

29-04-08, 12:45
Im new to this forum today and have just read your message. I have been suffering from panic and anxiety for years just never as bad as over the last 6 months. Im 28. Are you taking tablets, if you are its most likely them that are aking you dizzy. I am taking cipralex and the 1st week was horrendous, i was dizzy all the time and that set me off in a panic. If you doc is not helping try BUPA, they will sort you in a week and its not overly expensive, but worth it. Oh and the IBS is very common its your nerves, once you get the right tablets this will subside. I moved home to my parents for a few weeks too, there is no shame in it. Once you get the right help you will be on the road to recovery. Im only 1 week into the tablets and have noticed a massive improvement - i felt just like you

29-04-08, 13:02
ask your gp to refer you for audiology testing .
You will need ......

A full ENG test.
A Vemp test.
A high resolution ct scan.

And dont be afraid to push further and further even if they say everythings fine , there are some rare (harmless) disorders that can effect your balance .