View Full Version : Lyme disease

17-05-08, 18:20
Hi everyone,

Having a bit of a panic over this today. I have looked it up and woried I may have the late stage of it. I had this funny spot on my leg about 8ish years ago (I think although it could have been more recent) and it was pussy and sore and got bigger in a circle and left me with a nasty scar about 5mm across.

I now think it was a tick bite as I lived on a farm so very likely. It also matches the descriptions of a Lyme tick bite. Did not go to docs at time. Now I am worried it could be Lyme Disease as I looked up the neurological symptoms and have been having random shooting / nerve type pains arond my body and carpal tunnel like symptoms in my hands and arms. I have also got a pain going up my breast bone into my jaw and teeth (like a nerve pain) and have also got sciatic pain down my legs.

I just had a deep tissue massage and the therapist said I was so tense and it could cause all sorts of sensations.

I just wondered if anyone could offer any reassurance? I read that Lyme can come out 'years' after a bit but not sure how many?

Staring to feel my heart rate go up again and my boyfriend is getting fed up with me...!


17-05-08, 20:42
I had a bite that Im sure was Lyme's but I only got the erythma (dont know how to spell it?!) rash thing - a big circular patch with a clear centre.

I looked it all up at the time and am pretty sure that the symptoms come up fairly soon after the bite - I think after 8 years the odds are that you are gonna be clear and that this is something else - tension sounds like a likely explanation


18-05-08, 04:33
Anxiety can cause so many different issues its crazy. I would truly say that the chances you have lyme disease are quite slim but if you need to ease your mind see your doctor. I think its a blood test they do but I am not sure. I am sorry your boyfriend its fed up, it can be really hard for others in our lives to understand the problems and what we are going through. I know my husband doesnt understand it at all but he has learned to cope with it which is good.

Cathy V
18-05-08, 09:52
Hi Alison, i don't really know much about this disease, but i did read a story about it in the newspaper a few weeks ago, where a woman had been to stay with some friends in the countryside in france and she had a tick bite, but her symptoms came on after only a few weeks, so I agree that 8 years does seem like a long time after a bite for the infection to develop. Is it something that would show up in a blood test? maybe your doc could do that for you to set your mind at rest.

Best wishes
Cathy xxx :)

Cathy V
18-05-08, 09:55
Sorry Alison, that last post was meant for Whiskers :wacko:
Cathy xx :blush:

18-05-08, 11:10
Thanks everyone. I am going to book a docs appointment first thing and see what they say. I am getting so sick of jumping from one thing to another - it's so exhausting and just when you think you are back on track your mind leaps on to something new!

18-05-08, 22:37
Whiskers let us know how you get on with blood test please as I have exact same symptoms as you and if you have got lymes then I need to go to Drs forthwith!!!!!!!!!!

19-05-08, 08:04
Really? The most horrid thing is these nerve pains - they seems to just some on randomly all over. They really hurt and feel like I imagine shingles would...

I am going to try and book an appointment today...


Cathy V
19-05-08, 10:52
Hi whiskers, last night i was reading a post from someone who also had nerve pain all over his body but he doesn't think he has lymes disease, in fact he's prob never even heard of lymes, instead he thinks he has MS despite the docs saying he hasn't. Its just an example of how we read about a certain disease and convince ourselves weve got it! I think its more likely to be nerve pain because of anxiety and focusing on every small feeling, same as we all do.

Cathy V xxx:)

19-05-08, 10:57
Thanks Cathy, thanks so much for that - it's really helpful to read it. I know what you mean - it's the danger of google and reading too much! :)

20-05-08, 07:51
Hi all,

Went to docs and she said it's all anxiety related and all the nerves in my body are just randomly firing due to overbreathing. Having the old 'is this right?' response and 'could she have missed something' but know really that I just have to get on with things as I am driving myself (and everyone around me) up the wall when I am like this!

Thanks for all you help and advice!

Sharon :)