View Full Version : Hi all

07-04-05, 11:52
Hi all,

Just to let you all know how i'm getting on. Well where do i start!
How about some good news and we will get to the bad later.

Well i have started to see this lad and he's so sweet and nice to me, he knows all about what i have been through and what i'm going through i thought he would run a mile when he found out that i was still self-harming but he hasn't he's there trying to help me through it. :D

I'm still seeing my mentor that i got assigned and superisingly enough the thought journals are kinda helping me but i try not to read them as if i do read them i will be in a bad mood and start to get down. I still have the occasional slip up now and then, God i really wish i could just stop self-harming, it's like i'm addicted to doing it. I feel really sick and tiered of this feeling that i have inside me, i just wish that if i cut deeper into my body then this feeling could just poor out of me and i would be better! [V]

Lets just face it i'm just screwed up wrong!

I feel really bad as i was doing reallly well with all the help of my mentor and it just feels like i have chucked all the Help and Advice that she has gave me back in her face!

Kitty :(

07-04-05, 12:54
hello Kitty,

Am glad that you have found someone who is helping you - you seem to have made some improvements so well done!! You will get over the self-harming but it will take time. Journals can often help because it is good to get things out of your system by writing them down. You don't have to go back and read them until you feel ready to..

Sarah :D

07-04-05, 19:17

I assume you read the page on the website about "Self Harm" - did it help atall?

Good news on the new man in your life!


07-04-05, 22:52
Hi Kitty

So pleased you have met someone that wants to help you and if prepared to give it ago regardless of the circumstances. You deserve that hon.

Sorry the self harm isnt getting any easier, but dont forget you have someone that cares about you and obviously wants to help, so why not if you feel so bad reach to him before you reach to the self harm.

Working with prisoners i know how hard it is and have seen some terrible things but i have gained experience and by talking openly to them on how they feel i have helped, if only the once in their lifes, its once they didnt self harm.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

13-04-05, 11:34

Hi Nic i have read the "self harm " on the website and it's helped alot. everything seems to be going in the right direction for me all of a sudden. I have been thinkin that if i can kick this self harming in the butt then i will join the Army as my reward as i have always wanted to join but never have for some reason. I think it could do me good doing this. Wish me luck!! :D

13-04-05, 22:12

A positive attitude and whatever you decide to do good luck and let us know how it is going for you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

13-04-05, 23:26
Hi Kitty

Well done for the positive attitude. I also have a problem with self harm and this was really out of control last summer when I was harming almost every day. However, I'm not controlling it much better and only give in to the urge to harm myself when I'm feeling really distressed and overwhelmed by my emotions.

It's not easy but you can do it.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.