View Full Version : Help! I've been Googling!

17-05-08, 21:33
Argg i know that i shouldn't have been but i have and now i'm panicing!
I have had IBS symptoms on and off for ages and recently ive been constipated and pain when i go to the loo, i have also noticed a few bright red spots off blood when i wipe. I was sure it was just a fissure/piles now google has convinced me its bowel cancer. Why did i have to look?

17-05-08, 23:34
please nooooooooooooooooooooo googling its the worst thing. you prob have piles and i have had that loads of time please dont worry, keep busy so u dont have time to think to much and get some cream from chemist for piles and u will feel better hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxx

18-05-08, 04:27
As much as I can tell you not to google I am guilty myself. I have spent hours and got myself extremely worked up. My doctor told me something that kind of opened my eyes. He said that there is actually a problem amongst medical students who are studying to become doctors. They read so much information on so many different things that they too begin to think they suffer from them.
It is truly an information overload. As hard as it is, googling medical information is a really bad idea. Distract yourself in anyway you can and leave it up to your doctor to make a diagnose if anything.
Huge hugs and if you need a distraction feel free to contact me.

18-05-08, 11:24
hi sometimes when we have ibs we go to toilet so much we makes ourselves bleed from to much wiping i know thats prob to much information but hope it gives you a little reassurance

18-05-08, 13:27
hiya Skutter. i was looking on another forum today and read on there about a study that was done on googleing symptoms.
app a thousand med students were given a study that involved haveing to google at lot of diff medical symptoms.
what happened as a result of that study was over half of them started to believe that they had some of the conditions they were told to study from reading up on the symptoms and causes.
so if this as well as us all knowing that it dont help us with our anx/panic dont stop us from doing it, i dont realy know what will.
so if med studants can start to think things like this and get anx from it what chance do we have .
so if you are a googler plz plz stop you are only makeing yourself go backwards with what ever progress you have made.
thanks for reading
take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


18-05-08, 13:34
Hiya All

I will quote the Mark Twain quote again, I think it applies to medical books
"Be careful what you are reading you may be suffering or dying from a misprint!"

I don't mean to sound so flippant but honestly I used to be the worlds worst at looking up symptoms and when I discovered the internet, well you can imagine,

Love to all keep positive if you can and if you can't tomorrows another day and it might be the day when you start feeling better.

18-05-08, 18:38
Argg i know that i shouldn't have been but i have and now i'm panicing!
I have had IBS symptoms on and off for ages and recently ive been constipated and pain when i go to the loo, i have also noticed a few bright red spots off blood when i wipe. I was sure it was just a fissure/piles now google has convinced me its bowel cancer. Why did i have to look?

I know exactly how you feel. I'm suffering with chronic indigestion at the moment and after googling (I know, very bad) :lac: I've scared the life out of myself that it's cancer of some form.

Googling is soooooooo bad for our health but we cant stop it can we, no matter how many times we say "never gooling again"

18-05-08, 18:41
Hi Skutter

We know we make it worse by googling we are all guilty of it. try not to it wont make it better just worse.

Im sure your right in the first place IBS

take care

18-05-08, 19:00
I believe that knowledge is power, but too much medical knowledge can be a dangerous thing especially to a lay person. As a nurse I like to know the in and outs of things but fortunately I don't imagine I have them.

You could talk yourselves into all manner of illnesses if you try but doing so only makes you feel bad, so please try not to do it and I know how hard this will be for you:bighug1:

You will all probably laugh but what makes me anxious is the health of my oldest Siamese cat.:weep:

18-05-08, 23:48
Hey thanks for all your replies, i do know that google is bad and i have got a lot better over the past months by stopping google, i was just drawn in yesterday. i'm feeling better today and trying to keep my mind off it. I do agree with the medical student thing, i'm a radiographer and i have been much worse no i work in medicine every day.

19-05-08, 06:22
Hey thanks for all your replies, i do know that google is bad and i have got a lot better over the past months by stopping google, i was just drawn in yesterday. i'm feeling better today and trying to keep my mind off it. I do agree with the medical student thing, i'm a radiographer and i have been much worse no i work in medicine every day.

I would have thought being a radiographer would have weaned you off self diagnosis.:D