View Full Version : Strange feelings

18-05-08, 09:54
I keep having this feeling of beats in the stomach, thought it was heart at first but now think I get it more when I have just eaten this is followed by a feeling of pressure in my face. I think I have aortic anurissum, or I am going to have a heart attack or stroke.I have had ecg which was normal but the beats didn't happen while it was taken, also pins and needles in both hands.I know I should go to docs , but don't have much faith in him.

31-03-09, 12:55
I have the same.... thumping/beating pulse just under my diaphram. This is also made worse when U have just eaten or when stressed. This is def stress related and due to an imbalance, i.e. too much andrenaline released into your system, caused by fear and worry! I have an uneven heart rate too. (Ectopic). I have learnt to try and not listen in and pay attention. Its a lot better. Try to focus or do something else - it isnt so obvious then. Hope helpful. Rouska 'o)))