View Full Version : Wobbliness

18-05-08, 11:37
I was diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder last year. Since taking Citalopram for the last few months I actually feel normal in my head now, but I still have the main symptom of GAD which, for me, is really weak and wobbley legs.
I'm so concerned about this because it's really affected most bits of my life.

Does anyone else suffer from this? I have searched on the forum but could only find "dizzy-ness". I don't feel dizzy, just really wobbly!


18-05-08, 12:03
Hi Janey,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
You will probably find some people will post and tell you how they cope with this symptom.The lists on the Symptoms pages are not exclusive.
Best wishes,

18-05-08, 12:16
Hi Janey,
I have suffered from GAD for years and i get the wobbly symptom regularly,
my legs feel like jelly most days and it makes it difficult to function properly as it feels like they will give out and you will end up on the floor.
The only thing i can say is that i have had this on and off for about 8 years and although its still there it has not got any worse, so i have tried to accept it along with all the other symptoms as being down to anxiety.
Hopefully someone will have some better advice on how to cope with it.
take care

19-05-08, 11:40
Thanks for the replies. This forum is lovely!!

Just browsing the posts has made me realise that I need to accept the symptom and not use it as a constant reason for not doing things (which I have been doing).

x :)

19-05-08, 13:42
I was diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder last year. Since taking Citalopram for the last few months I actually feel normal in my head now, but I still have the main symptom of GAD which, for me, is really weak and wobbley legs.
I'm so concerned about this because it's really affected most bits of my life.

Does anyone else suffer from this? I have searched on the forum but could only find "dizzy-ness". I don't feel dizzy, just really wobbly!


Are you over a certain age? As jelly legs is one of the symptoms of peri-menopause.:ohmy:

19-05-08, 14:46
I'm 30, so probably quite far from the menopause.


19-05-08, 15:48
I'm 30, so probably quite far from the menopause.


Pity, I was getting jelly legs and that was the cause.:shrug: