View Full Version : boob again.. im in a right panic ne advice?

18-05-08, 14:52
hi all,
my usual lump seems worse again, my usual doctor whos been a dc for 30 years gave me a proper breast examination a few months ago and said wasnt at all concernd, said i had lumpy breasts and i could feel it more as im slim.. felt like a weight had gone from my shoulders, have had a sort of swelling there for bout 6 yrs, nurse checked it then and said was just fibrous, ne way im on a new pill and noticed it had flared up again and boobs in agony!!(always are!)so day b4 my period(daft time i know) went to c doctor, my usual one was off, she knows nothing bout my anxiety etc, felt my breast and said yes definately a lump if hasnt gone after your period will send you 4 a scan!!she may has well have given me death sentence im sooo scared, its not a pea or marble type lump, its sort of sausagy and squidgy and on top half near chest part, firmer when im due on tho!! please has ne one else got one like this im a wreck and its affecting my family,, goin back to c my usual dc tomoz but terrified he will say the same now, surely tho if ive had it this long id know by now if was the big c wouldnt i? sorry to go on
becca xxx

18-05-08, 16:31
Hi Becca,

It seems to me you can't win in this situation.
You are going to worry about having a scan and you will worry about not having a scan.
Your GP has years of experience and has the personal connection with you which a locum/different doctor doesn't have.
I understand how frightening this can be for women but taking action by having the scan will provide you with answers to the concerns which you have had for so long.
I hope it goes well for you.
Best wishes,

18-05-08, 18:36
This is very common and normal. Last year I found a "different" lump and the GP advised to wait until my next period to see if it would go - which it did.

However it happened again this year in January and I waited until my next period, but this time it didn't go so I went to the doctor. Like you, mine was sort of oval, sausage shape and squidgey and the doctor said "he could definitely feel something" and said I should be referred. Yikes - I was in a right old panic :ohmy: . Basically to cut a long storey short, the consultant had a quick prod, seemed confident it was nothing to worry about but as a matter of course I had a mammogram and ultra-sound and it turned out to be just fibrous tissue and they discovered some cysts too.

Yours sounds very mobile and squishy - which is a good sign. Try not to worry. Wait until your period comes and goes, check yourself again, if it's still there, then it will be perfectly normal for you to be referred. New lumps will always appear during a woman's reproductive years. It's probably just a fibroademona or cyst (which it sounds like). :hugs:

18-05-08, 20:28
i have a breast lump in my left one it is there all the time and flares up with my period i have been through a stage where i was poking and prodding it all the time which then made it even more sore.when i first felt it over 3 years ago my dr sent me for a scan and it was fine he said i had lumpy breast and it was fibroid thing cant remember the exact name,since then i have been back to the drs numerous times and also the practice nurse i kept getting it checked and checked and somehow i dont know how i have realised that after a scan a breast specialist a nurse and numerous drs i more or less accdept it is fine,it still concerns me now and then but i just check it every so often but i dont worry about it like i used too.the lump i have is kind of oval,soft and squidy and gets larger with my period sometimes it is flat and it feels kind of deflated other times its sqodgy.please dont worry i know its easier said then done but go and see your normal dr, im positive you will be fine.pm me if you need any more info or if you need to caht


18-05-08, 20:45
Hi there:)

I found a massive lumpy area in the upper part of one of my breasts when I was 18 years old (I was 40 last week!). I reacted badly at the time, and the general consensus is that because of my extreme reaction at 18, I have developed a lump 'oh no its cancer and I am going to die' reaction every time I find the smallest change in my body. My lumpy boob turned out to be thickened breast tissue which, indeed, goes thicker and harder just before my period and still does today. This is a very common thing, apparently.
So try not to worry.:hugs:

18-05-08, 22:02
hi everyone,
thanks for your replys, ive had myself in a right flap!! feel better now, knowing im not the only one..goin to see my usual gp tomoz hes back of his hols!! tis my own fault really with the gp i neva usually go to as i said i wanted a definate name for my lump!! so cant really blame her for saying shell refer me for my piece of mind!!!! plus shes the doc who found my dad when hed died, she got there to late(his house) after hed phoned in the morn(long story) so i think she thought she was doin right thing for me! xx