View Full Version : anyone felt this, is this anxiety?

18-05-08, 20:45
Hi, guys, it's been really bad lately, just a couple of days ago i wrote about a throat panic and i am so greatful for all the support that i got, coz it really helped.
But since yesterday afternoon I have a new thing going on, but it is much worse today than yesterday, I had an urge to run to the A&E again, which measn I was really really panicked. I have these strange feelings in my head, or on my head shall i say. My head doesn't hurt, I just have this terrible feeling of pressure around and on top, and also a slight burning feeling on top. I went out to the movies with my bf and friends this afternoon and on the way i was really trying to breathe and calm down but i would just panick, I felt sickly as well, and i wasn't just scared my head was gonna explode and that would be it, but i was also scared of the anxiety. That I just could't stop it, and it is giving me high pressure and that is why i feel this and it doesn't matter it is anxiety, it will hurt me anyway...so that's all i could think about...
I got back home now, I still feel it and i am so scared...
I have a lot of stress in my life right now, tomorrow i have my final exam of my final year, it did not require much preparation, it's not a conventional exam really, so it is not really the stress of the exam but of all the things that come afterwards...
I just don't know what to do to make this feeling go away, i know i'm gonna be scared to go to bed tonight if i don't feel better...

18-05-08, 21:00
Hi Millie,

Most people in your situation-facing a big exam-would be nervous.
Where we differ from most people is in the way our bodies respond.We become fixated.
When you combine that with our general fixation with Health Anxiety then trouble brews.
Anxious thinking leads to anxious symptoms which leads to Panic.This cycle of behaviour feeds itself constantly.
How do we break it?
Two ways come to mind:-
We challenge this behaviour by analysing and questioning it.Through doing this we can reassure ourselves.
We distract ourselves.We are really good at focusing just on our anxiety to the exclusion of everything else.If we get up and involve ourselves in pastimes or activities that we enjoy,eg music,reading,talking to friends,exercise.....then we take the focus off our anxiety and its impact on us lessens.The more we practise this,the stronger we become to fight our battle.
Good luck for your exam.
Keep believing in yourself.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Best wishes,

18-05-08, 22:39
I actually am not sure how stressed i am about this exam, it is not really that big exam, it's just that it is the final one. I am more stressed about what comes after, i think... I hope it was the exam, that would mean tomorrow it would go away...
I keep trying to persuade myself what i feel is really anxiety and that it won't hurt me...I've been thinking of calling the doctor in the morning trying to see if there's any appointments before the exam. I just wish it would stop now so i don't have to do that, or I get some strenght together and wait and see what happens in and after the exam...maybe it does get better...But i feel i have no strenght. I keep touching my head, massaging it, hoping it would help. Sometimes it feels like it's pulsating, but just a little. It's scary...

19-05-08, 08:05
Hi Mila

I had this last week and it really freaked me out. It didn't feel like a sore throat but more as if someone was pressing on my throat, making me feel like I couldn't breathe properly. This was then followed by a weird feeling in my head as if my head was going to explode. It really panicked me. I tried not to focus on it which was really really hard. It went after two or three days so I think it was a bug or something....a head cold maybe. Don't worry I'm sure it is nothing to worry about.

19-05-08, 11:19
Chalky :hugs:

Andy :hugs:

Thanks guys...
I'm getting ready to go to the exam...I'm scared of myself really, and the anxiety. The thing is I don't feel the head thing when I wake up, it starts later. Hope I'll feel better this afternoon, even though I didn't believe myself it's the exam that's doing this...