View Full Version : Shakiness is really getting me down...

18-05-08, 21:01
I have constant shakiness :weep: (ive posted out this before), from the moment i wake up until the moment i fall asleep. Mostly its an inside shakiness but looking at my hands i can see they are shaking, holding a cup its obvious they are shaking, I HATE IT SO MUCH, even when i have no other symtoms of anxiety its still there!!!! Its getting me down so much and i feel even if i recover from my anxiety/pa's the shakiness symtom is going to be there forever because what ever i do it remains!!!!!
Anyone, do you suffer with this too? Has anyone had it and it goes in the end? Why oh why does it carry on and on, i was doing quite well at accepting it for a while but now its starting to really upset me, almost anger :mad: me, i hate holding a cup of tea and watching it wobble so much!!! AHHHHH!!! :shrug:
Help, please???? :unsure:

18-05-08, 22:11
babe have you been to the docs? its prob a physical symptom - i stil get them even when i dont think im bad. but going to the docs would at least put your mind at rest? x x

18-05-08, 23:43
Hi Popsy,:)

I would also feel a shaky feeling within me most of the time. The best way that I can describe it is that if there is anything that I have to do and I feel anxious about it it's like I'm trembling inside. I feel that I could collapse/pass out at any moment (although this has never happened). There are times that I find that this leads to my hands shaking also when I'm holding a cup of tea - especially in social situations where someone might notice that I'm a bag of nerves. I would hold the cup with two hands which seems to steady it a bit. I find as well that if I think about it at all in social situations it happens. It's that old saying - try not to think about something and what is the first thing you think about!:doh: All the best xx :bighug1:

19-05-08, 01:25
I have the shakes and jittery feeling inside as well popsy. I agree that it can be very disheartening. Oddly enough, it doesn't seem to be associated with anything external . . . it can show itself on either a very stressful day, or the most relaxing one. In the past, I have found that only 1/4 of a .25mg xanax tablet can completely eliminate it . . . so I know that it has to be related to having "bad nerves", and not some terrible, hidden, physical ailment. Once I knew that, I just live with it. This morning, it was totally gone. Totally. Then it picked up again in the afternoon, and is present still in the evening.

I have found that 15-20 minutes of quiet, deep meditation focusing on the breath can work just as well as a small dose of sedative. I do not notice it immediately, but by one hour afterwards, the jittery sensation is gone. Of course, it always returns within a few short hours once again -- but it CAN be managed through various deep relaxation techniques.

19-05-08, 10:29
Are you on any medication that could cause this? I'm on lithium which gives a tremor; I'm fine with a mug of tea but a cup and saucer is my worst nightmare, particularly in company :blush: