View Full Version : What's wrong with me?

18-05-08, 21:18
So a few months ago I got this small white spot on my tongue, and something that well, I didn't know what is was.
I googled it, and got into a huge panic that it was mouth cancer after one thing came up talking about it.
I went to the dentist, who didn't know what it was, and referred me to a specialist mouth hospital.
I was still panicking like mad, and was having the worst time of my life.
I'm 16, but I'd just quit smoking and thought it must be mouth cancer.
They looked at it, and around my mouth and tongue and said it's a small infection. I said how I was so paranoid it was mouth cancer, the doctor said "Oh darling! Why did you think that?!"
So I calmed down a bit haha.
It didn't clear up, so I went back a month later. She looked at it, and around my mouth again and said that she was going to discharge me. It wasn't anything sinister and will just take a long while to clear up.
That was a month ago, and I thought all my worries would be over. I've now been checked out twice in a hospital that specialises in mouths, and deals with mouth cancer all the time. I've been told I'm fine.
So why am I still thinking about it?
I'm always feeling around my mouth for things and worrying about them.
And I know that this is irritating my mouth, so I worry about it.
I've got a tiny red cut on the inside of my mouth (literally about the size of a few grains of sand) and I'm worried about it. I know the chances are this too is caused by me constantly checking and feeling around my mouth with my tongue, but I'm still worrying about it!
I know deep down I'm fine. If they thought anything was up they would have said wouldn't they? My last appointment was a month ago, they would know if I had mouth cancer!
So why can't I stop worrying me?
It drives me to tears.
I don't know what's wrong with me :emot-crying:

18-05-08, 21:56
hiya please dont worry u are fine this spot really triggered yr anxietys but u been given all clear so keep busy and giv yrself less thinking time and enjoy life hun hugs xxxxx

18-05-08, 22:00
babe can you not google symptoms of mouth cancer to put your mind at rest? i think the thing about anxiety is you're not gonna just feel better from someone telling you you're ok cause it is already in your head + its an issue rather than a fact. see if you can get loads of info on it.
you're only 16 - dont worry about things like this - you have your whole life ahead of you. big hugs hun x x x

18-05-08, 22:19
Thanks guys :)

18-05-08, 22:21
ur welcome - if you need to talk msn me x x x