View Full Version : Willow1

19-05-08, 01:04
Hello fellow sufferer's. At this moment, I am in Majorca on holiday, Where I have been having multiple major panic attacks since early this morning.

I cannot tell you how delighted I am to find this website. It is 2am local time and I was feeling really desperate and lonely. It really helps to know that I am not alone (though I wouldn't wish panic attacks on my worst enemy).:bighug1:

19-05-08, 01:15
Welcome Willow.

That's one of the great things about being online . . . it can be 2 a.m. somewhere . . . and only 8 p.m. somewhere else (like here where I am). It's good to know that no matter the hour, someone, somewhere, can usually be counted upon, if only to lend support from a distance.

I'm sorry to hear of your day of panic -- and I know all too well how those 2 a.m. to 4 a.m. hours can be at night as well.

I'll be thinking of you as the evening ticks here, thousands of miles away, wishing you a sense of calm to drift off to sleep once again.

19-05-08, 01:36
hello willow and welcome.........i wish ya well........linda

19-05-08, 08:00
Hi Willow, glad you've found NMP. It's great for support, virtual hugs and support at any time of the day or night.

19-05-08, 08:18
hiya willow :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :D .
you will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. big hugs for you, when you should be enjoying the beach and sun you are trying to cope with panic attacks. try to remember that as bad as they are they carnt hurt you and if you dont fear then the attack will pass faster. the attack gets worse when we let our breathing get out of control so try to stay calm and breath nice and slow/deep untill it passes. also drink cold water that can be a good help as well. i hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday. try not to indulge in to much alcohol it is known to escalate them.
love and happiness
take care. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


19-05-08, 13:18
Hi Willow,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
I was watching Real Mallorca on tv last night and it was chucking it down.
Hopefully normal weather service will have resumed this morning.
One day at a time,you will learn to cope and manage your anxiety.Recovery starts with us taking action and you are doing that.
Keep believing in yourself.
Best wishes,

19-05-08, 14:04
Hi Willow

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

19-05-08, 23:50
Hello there, Williow!

Welcome to NMP hun!!! :) :) :)

First thing I'll say to you is, there is no need to feel alone hun. Everyone here has experience with anxiety, etc and know just exactly what you are going through and how you are feeling, and can pass down advice and support you in every way you need. So you're never alone. :)

You will get lots of support and advice from the members here at No More Panic, you will also find valuable information around the site, so make sure you have a good browse!

Take care for now, hope to talk to you in the chat room soon,

Lots of love and hugs,

Wolfie xxxxxx

20-05-08, 03:58

Hi willow, welcome to NMP. So sorry that you're having panic attacks, very glad that you found this site. You will find it very helpful as everybody here has. Have you tried the chat room? Could always go in there and ask for help to get you through. I hope that you feel better soon and can get some sleep. Must be hot over there, huh?

I hope from now that you have a panic free holiday and enjoy yourself, if not we are all here.

Take care

Elspeth:bighug1: :bighug1: