View Full Version : help

19-05-08, 04:23
hello my name is samantha i'm new to this site. can anyone help me.. i have this head pain it makes me feel like i'm out of it like not even in my body anyone else feel that way ever please anyone please i'm scared

19-05-08, 09:06
hi i dont have the head pain but atm im feeling like my body is detached from its a horrible feeling hope you feel better soon its a horrible feeling but will pass xxxx

19-05-08, 09:27

Yes i have had this, its horrible and scarey but it will go.

love mandie x

19-05-08, 09:27
hi yes ive had that awful feeling its called unreality kinda like spaced out it was my worses anxiety symtom ever realy scary 2 it dos get easier and your certainly not alone and welcome to nmp youl find most of us on here are in same boat and we understand tc lv elaine xx

19-05-08, 13:45
Hi Samantha,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,