View Full Version : New here!

07-04-05, 16:33
Wow! I've just spent hours looking at this website and found so many things that I can identify with!
Basically I am a panic attack sufferer.. I had them quite badly in 2002 and recovered after some CBT.. i then had p.a.'s on and off about once a month until Jan this year and started getting them really frequently.. it ended up getting me really down and worried/anxious about EVERYTHING!! such a negative downward spiral ie, i'm never going to get out of this feeling.. my fab doctor is great and has put me on a list to see a counsellor for CBT again but i feel a bit of a failure having to do it again :-( - i wish nothing went on in my brain - ignorance is bliss apparantly! i had an appt with a psychiatrist who put me on a low dose of prozac as i was so disillusioned and feeling so hopeless.. anyway these have made me quite trembly and even more anxious so i'm being put on effexor (i think) instead.. i'd rather not take anything to be honest but i'll see how i go.. sorry i have gone on rather alot! I just read a post by Jude about depersonalisation/derealisation and really really know exactly that feeling.. its just the worst.. that feeling like you dont exist, or does the world even exist... etc etc.. such a spiralling thought.. well.. thanks for whoever who has read this far! and here's hoping we all see that light shining for us soon...xxx


07-04-05, 16:41
Hi lisa and welcome to the site.

you will get loads of help and understanding here ,

everyone is in the same boat and we all just help each other

It is such a relief to realize that you are not alone, and other people think the same as you,

Never think you are a failure, its just we all need a bit of help from time to time,

You will get loads of advice here just ask

good luck and take care xxx

kairen x

07-04-05, 16:42
hi lisa

welcome to the site ...you will find alot of useful information here and a lot of friendly support.
You say you recovered once so you will do it again you have the strategies and know how to use them ...i think you will be fine again.


07-04-05, 16:44
Hiya Lisa
Welcome to the site :D

Your not a failure you just need some help thats nothing to be ashamed of!
Just remember you've beaten this once you can do it again

Good luck

Maxine x

07-04-05, 16:56
hi Lisa,

Welcome aboard!! :D

Everyone here is very friendly and understanding as we are all in the same situation. I'm sure you will get loads of advice!!

Sarah :D

07-04-05, 17:04
what a lovely welcome!

thanks everyone for being so understanding.. there's nothing better than talking about this with people who actually know as they are also going through it.. it makes you feel less desperate and not alone. The reassurance that it WILL get better.. (i hope it does!!)

thank you again,

07-04-05, 17:53
Hi lisa and welcome to the site.

07-04-05, 17:57
Hi Lisa

Welcome to the forum.

You'll got some good help and support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

07-04-05, 18:36

Hi and welcome aboard. I am pleased to hear that the info on the site has helped you.

I hope that we can be of some help and help you to get over this again.


07-04-05, 18:43
Hi Lisa

Welcome to the best place to be for sufferers and ex sufferers alike. There are alot of caring and supportive people here who know exactly what you are going through and can help you every step of the way. There is noone here who doesnt understand what you are going through. Keep positive and know that it will get better.

Take care


07-04-05, 22:27
Hi Lisa

Welcome aboard. You are no way a failure needing CBT again, it helped you the first time and will help you again. Its just another step on the road to recovery and it will come hon.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

07-04-05, 23:13
Hi Lisa

I really understand. I had CBT sessions 2 years ago and have slipped back to my old ways of thinking, but I know they have been the only thing that has really helped and made sense.

Unfortunately in my area the NHS waiting list is soooo long due to lack of psychotherapists, however I would def go private if I was desperate and had the money. I have the monopoly on self-help books and finding this site has been great


08-04-05, 14:17
Hi Lisa,

Meds are not the only way through this so if you feel that strongly about them you can do it alone but never stop them suddenly .

A fear of the fear cycle can grip you really quickly but can take a good while to learn to resolve.

First Steps : First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

Self directed CBT will help you meanwhile.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

08-04-05, 20:39
Hi Lisa
Welcome to the site. As you can see you will get plenty of help and support to get you through this.
Take care