View Full Version : 2nd Opinion - is it worth it?

19-05-08, 08:15
Hi Guys,
Hows many people here went and got a 2nd or even 3rd opinion from another doc?

I have only had the one doc and he says its 100% stress related etc, but when you have throat globus, stomach aches most of the time, spaced out feeling, cant seem to concentrate properly, memory feels impaired, muscles in arms/legs and back seem to ache more often than not... and washing my car makes my arms burn when they didnt use too.

Even reading and typing seems to require more concentration/time now... is all the above really stress? its so hard for me to believe I dont have some illness like ms, als or cancer etc... though I have to admit most other people here seems to think they have the same thing.

Does other people have the reading, writing/typing thing.. as in it feels different or takes more effort? I also feel that my eyes feel heaver or are a little dimished.... anyway i have booked in with another doc for a 2nd opinion just to see what he says.


19-05-08, 08:27
Hi there

I know exactly how you feel. I posted yesterday saying how I was doubting what I had been told...my worry is MS and I've been told by the neurologist that he doesn't think I have a progressive illness. I went to see 5 different GPs and none of them seemed remotely bothered by what I was telling them - yet I am still panicking.

I still get strange things happening to me and I question what I've been told all the time. He has scheduled an MRI for my peace of mind but now I'm thinking, if everything does come back ok, will I really believe it?

I don't know if anything will ever soothe me apart from me - accepting what I've been told and dealing with it. And that's the hardest thing to do.

Hope you get the reassurance you need.

19-05-08, 08:41
It depends on how much faith you have in your doctor and how much you are willing to believe him. You could see a hundred doctors but if you are not willing to believe their diagnosis what is the point?

I am seeing a neurosurgeon about my brain tumour he decided to watch and wait (in other words have a MRI every few months and look out for symptoms) then when or if this happens operate.

I am perfectly content with his decision I have a MRI on June 2nd and I am not worried, worrying will not change the outcome no matter what it is.:shrug:

19-05-08, 08:56
Hi Steve,

The advice I would give to you is to take the doctors word for it when he tells you its 100% stress related. I know how hard this can be believe me but you'll only end up tormenting your poor self with the what if's I know as I'm an expert at it lol. All of your symptoms I've had over the years and like you it's been what if this time I need a second opinion as they've got it wrong but deep down I know they are right and all I'm doing is tormenting myself with the what if's. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: xxx

19-05-08, 11:34

i am the same i allways think my doc is wrong .but i think it is us not wanting to belive that stress can do so much.
i fine going to see other doctors dose not allways help i have done this befor and still thought they were wrong i guess they were not saying what i wanted to hear mabe

jodie xx

19-05-08, 12:21
Hi Steve

I guess it does come down to acceptance in the end and that's the really hard thing to do but at some point any one of us needs to learn to accept what the medical professional is telling us.

Providing you have been checked out by your doctor (which I presume you have) and nothing untoward has be discovered then we need to start to believe and trust that the doctor(s) do know what they are talking about.

If you really do not have faith in your current doctor then by all means seek a second opinion but I think you need to ask yourself whether it will stop there. Will the second opinion be enough to convince you that your symptoms are stress if that is the result of the consultation? Or will you dismiss that diagnosis too and want to seek a third and a fourth opinion and so on?

Have you considered asking your doctor to be referred for CBT therapy to help with the health anxiety? I know there can be a long wait in some areas but this can be the best way of helping you to overcome these worries and doubts.

You can also help yourself every time you have a health worry by thinking back to the last time you had it and remembering what happened then. Was it a major health problem? Did the symptoms resolve? What happens if your mind is occupied with other things?

Hypnotherapy can also be very helpful with these kinds of fears and worries and you might like to consider the Overcoming Fear of Illness (http://www.hypnosisdownloads.com/downloads/hypnotherapy/hypochondria.html?1388) hypnosis download. I've used these downloads a lot and found them very helpful for various issues.

I hope you find a way forward that is beneficial for you.

Karen x

19-05-08, 13:01
HI Steve
I went and got a 2nd and then a 3rd opinion of 3 different docs in the same practice and to be honest it hasnt made the slightest bit of difference to my health anxiety---if anything it has just made me worse!!!!!
I would defo agree with what Karen has said---where does it all stop????
I am on the waiting list for CBT and the day i start cant come soon enough.
Today, I am ok---yesterday all my fears reared their ugly heads and i was convinced(yet again) that all 3 docs havent a clue what they are talking about and that i do have the dreaded C word!!!!!!
Please, if at all possible believe your doctor cos another opinion(In my opinion) wont make the slightest bit of difference!!!
I have just moved on to another lump(with me it is lumps!!!) somewhere else!!!
Take care---hope i have been some help to you xxxx