View Full Version : Hi I'm a newbie!

19-05-08, 08:57

I'm glad I've found this forum.

My panic attacks began last year when I was due to go on a cruise of all things! I had to fly to the med 1st and then my mind started to play tricks. I imagined the absolute worst of everything including the plane crashing and the ship capsizing. Two weeks before I went my panic attacks started. I took diazipam, propanalol and the doctor started me on 10mg citalopram. We looked into cancelling the holiday but it cost thousands of pounds and was a special holiday (well it was meant to be!). Suffice to say that I did make the holiday. It wasn't brilliant, but I went.

I came off all the medication gradually and in february, I fininshed with citalopram.

I've got quite a lot on my plate and now we have a new dog. We already have one but we have decided to have another and guess what...my panic attacks are back.

I am really bad in the morning and by lunchtime/afternoon, I'm feeling better. The doctor has put me back on citalopram 10mg. I've been taking them for 1 1/2 weeks.

Will the mornings get better? I hate the mornings and weekends, I seem worse then. Will I improve on the citalopram, the doctor says it takes about a month on them before they are really working well?

Any experiences would be helpful or ideas for the mornings


19-05-08, 09:20
hi yes citalopram take bout month for them to realy kick in i was same as you and they worked well for me ;and welcome to nmp youl find great info on here and also make new friends tc xx and remember your certainly not alone x

19-05-08, 09:29
Hi Bazwelsh and welcome to NMP,
My symptoms were always worse in the mornings and at weekends and yes it does get better.
I could just about get out of bed and have a wash then it would take 2 hours for my heart to to slow down and the palpitations to stop .
My Doc. offered me Citalopram but I declined it and elected for a course of CBT offered by my employer instead.
Now seven months later I can carry on more or less as normal, I still get the ocassional panic attack with all the stuff it comes with, racy heart,palpitations,dizzies etc. but over time you learn to recognise the symptoms and realise that although it's extremely unpleasant it won't hurt you.
Hope you feel better soon.
God bless,

19-05-08, 09:32
Welcome Bazwelsh!
Hope you find NMP the friendly and supportive place i do!
You anti-depressents will take a little while to kick in, if they dont thry might have to raise the dose slightly, as 10mg is a very low dose. Im on 60mg!!! (thats not to say you'll need that at all by the way, im just meaning there is a lot of scope for the doctors to get your meds right for you!)
Things will get better, your getting help and thats on the way to recovery. Keep posting on here and receive all the advice and support that this great site can give you. :)
Good Luck!
Charlie x x x x
PS. The mornings are awful for me too, they have improved a bit for me but im still 'getting better', but you arent alone on that one, its a real common symtom of the dreaded anxiety and depression too, and in the end will disapear. Google moodgym its a really good free online CBT website which a lot of people have found very helpful, i think you might too. XXXX

19-05-08, 09:38
hiya tyler,:welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :biggrin: . you will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. like the others have said your meds will take time to kick in , give them about 6 wks as it differs from person to person. i have 4 dogs and i know how stressful things can be at times. i find that walking them does help with my anx though. exercise of any kind everyday is very helpful for anxiety. you are not alone hun we are here to help so keep posting no matter what the problem. Remember a silly thought can become a scary one if you dont talk about it.
take care.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


19-05-08, 10:15
Thanks for your comments.

It's good to know that others feel the same way. In a sense, I feel such a freak and don't want to keep bothering family and friends when I'm feeling anxious, so I battle with it inside.

We have a counselling service with my place of work so I might contact them to see if they are able to offer any help so that I can continue working because it does affect my job as I find it difficult to concentrate.

I would rather not increase the dose of Citalopram really, as I feel much better later in the day so if I can manage to cope with the feelings of despair in a morning and the craving to scream and shout and cry, then I know it will go off in the afternoon.

I'm going to give it a month to see if I feel better. Gosh, I just want to feel normal again!!!

thanks again

19-05-08, 10:33
hey you will feel normal again im living proof of that it took along time for me to feel btr but i got ther in the end and you not freak youl b surprised how many of us feel same as you tc elainex

19-05-08, 12:28
Hi Bazwelsh

:welcome: to the forum.


19-05-08, 13:08
Hi Baz,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

19-05-08, 14:03
Hi Baz

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

21-05-08, 14:26
Hello Baz And Welcome.....i Wish Ya Well.........linda

21-05-08, 14:59
Hello Baz and welcome to NMP.

You will find lots of useful advice here and also make lots of new friends along the way who truly understand how you feel.


eternally optimistic
21-05-08, 22:04

Well good on you getting there.

My family holiday last August, only a week abroad, went caput.

I stayed at home my other half and kids went on, best thing really -
I was a mess.

So well done you, it was the best thing not to give in, I wish i hadnt.

Best of luck


22-05-08, 00:55
Hi Bazwelsh,

:welcome: to the site. You will find that many here will know how you are feeling.

