View Full Version : feel like im loosing my mind does anyone relate?

19-05-08, 12:40
Hey me again,

This time I think i'm loosing my memory and can't remember much, if you asked me what I was doing on tuesday 2weeks ago, I wouldn't remember unless someone prompted me and I then I would.(little bits anyway)

I feel like once I have got rid of one worry another seed is planted and this time I think Im not going to remember yesterday!!!!

And I can remember things that have gone on in the last three weeks but I cant put a date or day to them.

Does anyone have problems with memory

My dr has been nice enough to send me to a neurologist but it will take 4 weeks or more and this was not about memory problems this was for numb skin, memory worry has just started in the last week.

Thanks again.

19-05-08, 12:59
Yes I can completely relate to this - my memory is terrible at the moment and i find myself consiously 'testing' myself to see what I can remember and concentrating really hard to remember something and then panicking if I cannot thus making it almost impossible to think straight anyway! Very frustrating...


19-05-08, 13:10
hiya hun. if you are loseing you memory then so am i. befor i got health anx my memory was brilliant now some times i struggle to remember yesterday and forget things i have to do all the time. dont even ask me to remember 2 wks ago, i dont think i could. im sure it just the anx hun and when that improves so will the memory.
take care.


19-05-08, 13:13
Yes i too suffer with the memory loss thing. Ask me someones name and I am having to think twice.
Defo down to the HA as i was ok before this took over my mind.
Dont worry---you are not alone xxxx

19-05-08, 14:03
Hiya folks

Thank God, this is one aspect of this whole blooming saga that has really freaked me out, I usually have a brilliant memory, I am captain of the pub quiz team and good at my job etc (well I was before all this kicked off), I found that when experiencing the panic attacks, I couldn't remember things, my worst panic was in Liverpool city centre with my daughter, shes only 11 and knows nothing about my condition and I don't want her to either, as you all know once they start they get progessively worse you end up in a right state before you know it your world gets smaller etc etc, anyroad, I have developed this fear of forgetting really important things like where I live etc
and at the height of all this I thought I had some progressive brain disorder or was developing altziemers or something of that ilk, I had a lovely email the other night off a girl whom stated that it was some sort of OCD (funnily enough it is all starting to make sense) I think it is just another peculiar symtom of this condition that the drs say "Oh its only anxiety!"

Really it is impossible to think straight when you are do distracted and once the anxiety gets a grip it takes over everything you are totally preoccupied with it.

Hope you are feeling better soon Joyce and whiskers the first thing I do when I wake you is make sure I can remember my name dob address and a few basic facts bizzare isn't it.

I also know for a fact that stress can play havoc with memory.




19-05-08, 15:03
Oh thank you so very much this makes me feel so much better, of course until the next time.

Whiskers, you are doing the same thing I am doing!!!!

Thanks everyone

06-06-08, 00:45
My dad died last month from a brain tumor and the only thing that we noticed at first was his memory, he would forget names of places he always went to and it got so bad that he even struggled to remember the grandchildrens name. But even worse was he could not remember the names of the pubs he went to

Since his death a month ago I have just started to have horrible headaches and yes believe it or not my memory is not as good as it was. I have a brillient memory for dates and names but lately I am forgetting or struggling to remember people from the past and also actors and there stage/tv names.

I must admit I have been working the last six weeks on a full 7 day shift just trying to throw myself in to forget about dad also my home life is very rocky and I think or hope it maybe the dreadred stress. I work in a very busy admissions ward at our local hospital and see people who come in with worst symptoms and 99% go home after scans without us seeing so much as a lesion in the brain. It was nice to read I am not the only one suffering a loss of some memory function. I will keep u posted on my visit to the GP

Best wishes to you all great site