View Full Version : eye trouble with a difference

07-04-05, 16:43
hi everyone,
can anyone relate to this at all, this afternoon i was sat watching tv when i felt like i couldnt see properly, then i had sqiggles and i couldnt see properly it was like i was getting a migraine, however the squiggles ect went off after half hour to 40 mins it scared me, and i cried i havent got the headache that comes with it but i keep having the odd pain in them, and now ive been crying i feel a bit run down and my head feels funny-dizzy a bit is this what anxiety can really do to you or do you think someut else is going on:(
luv sue

07-04-05, 16:53
hi sue

i get really bad migraines, but sometimes i just get the fuzzy lines and dont get the full migraine, or i get the numb feeling in my face fingers and tongues,

I would still go and have a little lie down somewhere dark and quiet, for a little while if you can, try and keep as calm as you can,

hope you feel better soon

take care xxx

kairen x

07-04-05, 16:55
Sorry i meant tongue............ LOL honest i only have one LOL

kairen x

07-04-05, 16:58
hi Sue,

Yes, this can be caused by anxiety. My eyes go funny the whole time and I get really bad headaches. The trick is to try to forget about it (hard I know) and distract yourself. I find that the more I think about it, the worse it gets..

Sarah :D

07-04-05, 17:15
thanks guys,
i scared myself into going to the drs let u no what he sais when i come back, ill prob panic i hate going to drs
luv sue x

07-04-05, 19:10
Hi Sue

i hope that you got on ok at the drs. Could have been a migraine I know many people who dont get a headache as such. Anxiety itself tho has many guises.

Take care


07-04-05, 19:51

I get this if I'm really tired or stressed. It doesn't very often go on to full migraine for me. Have had it for a long time.

I find that if I take a painkiller & sit quietly for 20-30 minutes it usually passes though my head feels 'odd' for a few hours afterwards.

Hope things were ok at the docs & you are feeling a bit better.

Linda. x

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

07-04-05, 22:35
hi sue

I used to get black and white zig zags when i had anxiety...especially if over tired.

07-04-05, 22:50
Hi Sue

I get migraines due to hormonal levels and anxiety, more often without the visual thing, but it is common and nothing to worry about. Best just to sit still and sip water until it passes usually 20-30 mins as it can make you feel nauseous. Had really bad one last night although really painful, I took myself off to bed put on a relaxation CD and used the time to chill, funnily enough when it passes I feel full of energy!!Apparently this is quite common!


08-04-05, 00:23
Don't worry. Had exactly the same thing. Had it once or twice a day for 6 days running then it stopped - that was 3 weeks ago. Had every test I could have under BUPA and all came back clear. I was thinking brain tumour, etc and got myself in to a real bad state. Fine now and won't be too alarmed if it happens again. It's called Ocular migraine (migraine with no pain) I'd never had a migraine before in my life. It's all caused by anxiety and it WILL go...believe me. It's VERY scarey at the time but I hope you're feeling a bit better now.


08-04-05, 11:58
thanks guys,
the dr said it seems like it could be migraine without headache,he looked into the back of my eyes with a light and said everything looked ok, my blood pressure was up when he took it it was 155/90 i hope its gone back down now, i hope it wasnt the blood pressure that caused the eye trouble something else to worry about now en it[Sigh...]
luv sue x

08-04-05, 13:45
HI Sue,

Visual disturbances are quite common

Visual disturbances: Visual Disturbances (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2128)
Floaters: FLOATERS (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2211)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

08-04-05, 18:52
hi again,
do anyone think it could be the contreceptive pill causing the squggles in my eyes, high blood pressure, ive only been back on the mini pill for 4 months, if so should i stop taking them, isnt these symptoms of a blood clot, and also the thumping heart aswell,i didnt think about telling the dr yesterday and he was only a locum and not my gp, should i be worried[?]
luv sue

Melissa Jessie
22-03-10, 07:20
Firstly, you should forget about it. Do not think about it too much. The more you think, the more likely the problem will repeat in future. Instead, sit down and listening to music, may be no music lyrics or joyful songs, or have a walk. It is the best to leave the current scene and move to another place. You will forget it quickly and easily. You'd better train this skill at very the first time because it will help reduce upcoming panic attacks.

22-03-10, 11:48
Hi there,
Ive had exactly the same as you but have been told its a migraine...i had no headache whatsoever but apparently you can sometimes have migraines without the headache. Its really scary I know. I always hate it when my eyes start playing me up...take care and hope you feel better soon..

22-03-10, 15:07
Don't worry. Had exactly the same thing. Had it once or twice a day for 6 days running then it stopped - that was 3 weeks ago. Had every test I could have under BUPA and all came back clear. I was thinking brain tumour, etc and got myself in to a real bad state. Fine now and won't be too alarmed if it happens again. It's called Ocular migraine (migraine with no pain) I'd never had a migraine before in my life. It's all caused by anxiety and it WILL go...believe me. It's VERY scarey at the time but I hope you're feeling a bit better now.

I had the same hun and was told ocular migrains also, try not to worry, you will be fine. I have had them for 5 years. xx