View Full Version : Anyone suffer migraines and find they make your anxiety much worse?

19-05-08, 13:11
As most of you know i suffer HA related to worrying about lymphoma!
Anyhow, I also suffer from Classic Migraines---the ones with the disturbed vision.I am on tablets for these but I am in the process of changing to Propranalol to help with both the migraines and anxiety(just finish the final packet of the Pizotifen).
Yesterday, I had a migraine(thankfully now I only get about 1 every 3 months!!!) and I had to go to bed. I know what triggered it(when i get drained both emotionally and physically---this time visiting parents that i havent been in contact with for years but thats a different story LOL!!!!).Today, as always it leaves me feeling totally drained and feeling more anxious than usual. Does anyone else find that a migraines totally wears them out(I should know this as i have suffered with them since i was 14 so nearly 30 years!!!!) on the next day???The headache has gone ---it is only there is i sneeze or cough---and tomorrow i know i will be back to normal.
It is the horrid feeling of feeling down and totally washed out the next day that gets me and it definately makes my anxiety worse as i am full "checking" alert today for lumps and stuff.
Thanks for any advice xxxxx

19-05-08, 15:42
Hi. My daughter suffers basal paraplegic migraine. She's exactly like you - a bad migraine can leave her washed out for a couple of days. She usually sleeps at least 12 hours as one ends. She also becomes very anxious about things and the doctor did wonder if she might be bipolar. However, she now takes Propanalol and is sooo much better. Less migraines (only a few severe headaches, really) and her mood and anxiety have improved tremendously. I hope it works for you.

19-05-08, 15:52
Hi Maddie
Aww that is encouraging for me as i am a little bit worried about taking propranalol. Can i ask what dose she is on?
I am going to be taking 80mg a day of the slow release(whatever that means!!!!).
I noted on the pizotifen i take now that a side effect can be anxiety so i am hoping for better results with the propranalol.
Thanks for your reply xx

19-05-08, 17:12
Hi Jellybean

Im sorry your a sufferer of migraines it certainly stops your life.

Im a cronic sufferer and get paraplegic migraines as well as normal type. mean has been diagonosed as anxiety and stress related. Ive had brain scans which should small scars from the migraine.

I also take special tabs from the docs but with time there are coming less effective so I have started accupuncture and its working. I go every week and ive dropped from 3/4 per week to 4 per month at mo, I know its expensive but before you say anything I was able to get it free through my gp
Ask gp if they know of anyone that will help on NHS.

I hope you find something to help I can emathise with your suffering.

kind regards