View Full Version : During anxiety/panic what are your eating habits like?

19-05-08, 13:16
Really interested in peoples views as when I feel like this I can't stop picking at food.

During bad days I don't make myself a sandwich for lunch,I just eat my way through 3/4 packets of crisps etc.

Then when I am starting to feel better I have to first address the half a stone or so that I have put on.

tayside lassie
19-05-08, 13:23
cant eat at all the only thing i can take is a drink of milk and thats it ....then after a few days when im feeling lightheaded with lack of food ill just have a cup of soup and dry bread ...

19-05-08, 14:09
Sometimes I eat very little if I feel panicky.
Today i'm a bit on edge but i've been eating alright. Plus I should really keep my food up as i'm not supposed to take beta blockers if i've not been eating properly (says it on the DO NOT TAKE if these apply to you list).

19-05-08, 15:44
We all know that anxiety and panic drain the body of energy reserves. But digestion itself also requires a significant energy expenditure. It's not good to have both draining us at the same time.

Therefore, I make sure to eat easily digested foods that are dense in nutrients. Sometimes I will have a protein shake (for amino acids), and perhaps a granola bar, whole-grain/oatmeal, apples, bananas, raw honey, multivitamin, etc. All of these can be digested easily -- and conserve some valuable energy needed for recovery. I'll stay with these items exclusively until I begin to see my own energy levels begin to rebound.

I'm also a big fan of desiccated liver tablets -- which are highly packed with a complete spectrum of B-vitamins (especially B12). I'll chew a few of these throughout the day. They are most certainly an aquired taste.

But, in closing, I feel strongly that diet and nutrition are key areas that usually do not receive the attention that they should, considering their importance in managing anxiety and panic. But, as with everything, I realize that it is a matter of personal choice (as it should be).

20-05-08, 07:42
Many thanks for the replies.

I did forget to say that when I am having panic attacks that seem to go on forever I do not eat at that time, I cant eat, but its in recovery that I eat like there is no tomorrow.

never2late you put some very good suggestions thanks.

21-05-08, 03:16
During those times, I lose my appetite completey.

21-05-08, 21:22
I end up binge eating, then feel sick, which makes me more anxious and panicky. I wish I could stop this viscious cycle, the notch on the scales getting higher and its making me worse. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :huh: