View Full Version : Assistance/Question?

07-04-05, 17:08
Hello All,

This is actually my first time posting to any forum in relation to anxiety. I feel my situation is unique, however, not sure. About 3 months ago, I started to concentrate on my breathing constantly focusing on every breath in which I couldn't get the thoughts out of my
head. Shortly there are I started to constantly focus on swallowing, in which, I couldn't stop thinking about it. From there it went to me constantly blinking, in which, I couldn't stop that either. The blinking has went away now again, in which, I'm back to focusing on swallowing. I cannot sleep at night as I feel the need to swallow. Every time I try to ignore the swallowing action, I choke. I have never in my life experienced anything like this until approx. 3 months ago. I feel like I'm going crazy. I have a wonderful supportive wife and live a pretty stress free life. The more I read about this, I feel I'm
an obsessive thinker. It seems like I have OCD. Every morning when I wake up, I'll cough and spit for the first 10-20 minutes. Every time I get nervous, I have to have a glass of water that I continually sip off of in order to feel relaxed. I'm not sure what's happening, I feel completely detached. Why do I constantly focus on my thougts of swallowing
,breathing or blinking. I used to feel just great. The doctor has tried to prescribe Paxil for a short time, however, I refuse to take it. How can a medication stop thoughts?? I appreciate any advice. Has anyone had similar experiences? I read a book by Charles
Linden, in which he talks about beating anxiety by breathing techniques, realizing that the anxioxs thoughts are only sensations. Also to realize that thoughts cannot hurt you. He says that there's no need for doctors or pills. He likes St.Johns wart and teas such as
chammomile to ease the anxiety. While there methods works excellent for what might be "anxiety" or "panic attacks", I don't think they work for obsessive thoughts/actions. I'm starting to have no less interest in things I used to love. I almost feel depressed. While I know that I won't choke or stop breathing, how do I stop focusing on these actions.




07-04-05, 17:16
hello Nate,

Welcome to the forum!! :)

What you have is very common amongst people who suffer from OCD. Whilst medication does not suit everyone, it can help change your thought process and help you get rid of these obsessions. I have not tried any of the herbal remedies but know that they really work for some poeple. It depends entirely on the individual.

Hope we can offer you some good support here.

Sarah :D

07-04-05, 17:25

How can you make such a quick diagnosis. I'm not questioning you, i'm just trying to understand. I don't perfrom these actions to make myself feel better, I just can't stop thinking about them. When I do stop thinking about them, I feel better. Have you every heard of anybody else with similar thoughts. I exercise and I'm a healthy individual.



07-04-05, 17:59
Hi Nate

Welcome to the forum.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

07-04-05, 18:34
Hi Nate

Welcome to the forum.

Are you sure you don't suffer from mild anxiety and not OCD?

The swallowing thing is very common I have had that too. Take a look at this previous post ...

MORE HORRID SYMPTOMS!!!! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1957)

With regards to the breathing, do you feel as though you aren't getting enough air in? Using a relaxation CD and learning how to breath correctly from the abdomen will help relieve problems that you have.

The doctor probably prescribed medication to help alleviate any anxiety that you have.

Hope we can be of some help to you on here.


07-04-05, 18:37
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Sarah,

How can you make such a quick diagnosis. I'm not questioning you, i'm just trying to understand. I don't perfrom these actions to make myself feel better, I just can't stop thinking about them. When I do stop thinking about them, I feel better. Have you every heard of anybody else with similar thoughts. I exercise and I'm a healthy individual. <div align="right">Originally posted by Nate - 07 April 2005 : 17:25:25</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Hi Nate

If you stick around on the forums (I've been here about a year and a half), you will quickly notice that many people come here with the same symptoms. We might not be doctors, but it is usually clear that what people are describing is anxiety.

It is very common for anxiety to manifest itself in the throat. People will have different problems with this depending on their experiences. Myself, I often feel physically ill with anxiety, but I would often describe this as coming from my throat. Which is odd, if you feel physically ill, then your belly is upset, not your throat, but that just proves it is anxiety. I used to sip on water too, was part of my survival kit, took it everywhere.

Others will worry about swallowing, some may think their throat may close and they'll not be able to breath (it won't!). But the real main problem is that the anxiety creates these fears in the first place, then the fear adds to the symptoms. Without the fear itself the symptoms wouldn't worry you (although if you didn't have the fear, you would unlikely have the symptoms).

You will find that many people here have obsessive thoughts in some way too (I know I do). These can range from anything to anything! It's my understanding that when you can't resist the compulsion to act on your obsessive thoughts, then it becomes OCD. Although that may not be the most accurate description, so don't take my word for it.

You say you try deep breathing and such, but what I would suggest (if you don't do it already) is to try and get into a regular routine of relaxation. Preferably twice a day. I've found over the years that this is important even on your good days, in fact sometimes it seems to do more good on the good days. Whereas most people do it when they are feeling their worst, I've found that this doesn't work too well. If you can build up some foundations for a relaxed body, then it should help slightly to calm your thoughts.


07-04-05, 18:53
Hi nate

I agree with mico. When we suffer with anxiety we focus on things. My sister thinks she has a lump in her throat and cannot eat. Your brain will focus on this and it becomes obsessive. I dont know days weeks months or years and am obsessed with that. The anxiety holds onto a thought and exaserbates it.

Read through some more posts and you will find that alot of people are going through the same as you and think the same. Dont dismiss the pills altogether sometimes we need them for a short period. No body likes to take pills, I know I dont but if it is what is needed for a short time then we do.

This is a wonderful place for support and advice and a great deal of knowledge from fellow sufferers.

take care and i hope you find your answers soon


07-04-05, 19:17

Thanks for the feedback. I just feel so alone sometimes. My wife is EXTREMELY supportive and has such a beautiful outlook on life. Sometimes I feel bad because she has so much excitement to do something and I feel the opposite. I appreciate all of the honest feedback, as I know I can get better. I just want to feel better!! I just want to stop constantly focusing on swallowing (the action of it). My voice always gets "horse" at night. Has anyone taken Paxil and then eventually stopped it?



07-04-05, 20:12
Hi Nate,

I have found more help in this site in 3 weeks than 20 years with doc's and counsellors, just to read that other people have these symptoms as well and that i'm not losing the plot has been undescribable, and words could not express how grateful i am for everyone who has written in,

I think Mico prety much summed it up,

When you are feeling anxious and stressed you cant seem to look forward to anything it is so hard but you will get there.

You are lucky to have the support of a lovely wife,
and you will get loads of support and help here,

good luck take care x

kairen x

07-04-05, 22:24
Hi Nate

Welcome aboard, how you feel is not unique at all and there are quite a few recent posts on here about other people feeling like you do. Hope that helps you see you are not alone.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

08-04-05, 14:30
Hi Nate,


First Steps : First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

What you're reporting is very common

You can be an obsessive thinker and not have OCD.

My understanding of the differences building on Micos explanations is when you get a complusion to do something that neutalizes the fear ie if I brush my hair 18 times it means xxx won't happen. This then leads to 28times or until it feels ok which can be several hours later.

**how do I stop focusing on these actions.**
Distraction and I don't mean watching TV - Do something you get totally absorbed in or think about situations where this would take a back seat. If a friend ran in to ask for help for a domestic emergency such as a water pouring in, would you have to do your 20 mins first or would you go and help immediately and consequently forget this until your brain had down time to remember it .

Often if you can break the cycle once or twice , its enough so you can convince yourself by rationality and sucess that its ok to not do it again or to wean yourself down.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...