View Full Version : Is this unusual

19-05-08, 21:43
First of all hello all!

I have no problem going to cinema,bars,supermarket,driving etc etc..

However....I have real fear with walking on busy streets with tall buildings,across main roads ,bridges etc Needlesss to say I avoid big cities like London ! feel like my legs go to jelly and everything swirls!

Is this a form of agorophobia ?

19-05-08, 21:51
Hi jjamie,

Hmmm it's difficult to say. It sounds very much like agoraphobia if you are avoiding certain places or situations because of scary symptoms, but it has not stopped you going out which is a good thing. The trouble is, the more you avoid a certain place, the harder it gets to ever go back to it - and I should know because I'm agoraphobic!

Is there anything about those particular places that frightens you? I mean is it because you feel trappped or something?

The symptoms you describe definately sound like anxiety/panic but you need to work out exactly what is difficult about those situations so you can challenge your thoughts.

Good luck and welcome to NMP! :)

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

19-05-08, 21:55
Hello :)

well I just feel I will never find my way home and collapse or fall into the road!
Ive read stories here but nothing similiar,for example could you go into a big city and if you did would the tall buildings,busy streets etc...disturb you x

19-05-08, 22:02
Hi jjamie,

Ok, so you are having scary thoughts that go along with your symptoms. When you have agoraphobia you do tend to be worried about what 'might' happen and you have to try and shut those thoughts out of your mind (which isn't easy).

I could not go into a city by myself but that is for different reasons. If someone took me to a city and was with me then yes, I could go into a city BUT I would feel overwhelmed by all the people, the noise, the traffic and the buildings etc. I would get all the symptoms you describe and more, but after about 20 minutes or so the symptoms would ease up a little and then I would be able to carry on. However I would not be confident to go into that situation alone as I do not have transport and would be worried about how I could leave if I needed to.

The symptoms you have are not at all unusual and yes, the things you describe would make me anxious.

Hope this helps a little bit. :)

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

19-05-08, 22:13
so you say different reasons

you dont get the feeling that buildings wobble,or that you will freeze to tghe spot if you try and cross a busy road and get stranded in the middle,thats how I feel x

19-05-08, 22:25
Hi jjamie,

I think I confused the issue when I said I can't go on my own for different reasons. I have a health condition which means I can't drive, so obviously I can't go anywhere unless somebody takes me (as I can't use public transport because of the agoraphobia).

If you are only scared that buildings might wobble and fall on you then that might be a specific phobia, but if you are worried that all kinds of different things might happen to you then it could be agoraphobia.

Basically, if you are anxious about going into certain situations (for whatever reason), and you are scared you will panic in those situations, then that is probably agoraphobia. I don't think it matters what the reason is, agoraphobia is the effect of having fears and symptoms ie not being able to go to certain places without having a panic attack.

shoegal x

19-05-08, 22:34
Ok thanks......:)

Do you or anyone else get that wobbly feeling around tall buildings , bridges etc....specific phobia or not is it all to do with panic ?

20-05-08, 03:10
Hello jjamie,

i get the very same feeling.... i never have a full blown panic attack in busy places or built up places but i feel dizzy and dream like and sometimes lose my footing.

i try my best to pull myself together and focus on something else which seems to work.

Hope that helps a little :)


20-05-08, 22:19
Hi thanks...so is this all to do with panic then ?

21-05-08, 21:07
jjamie hi!

I don't know if this is any help but I find that things moving in my field of vision can induce a panic attack...for example...

On a city street and lorry goes past a building and I feel as if i am moving too, I start to question myself and my perception of reality and whammo! panic. Same for trees in the countryside and trains over bridges.

It is more than likely panic, have your Dr check you for vertigo, blood pressure and all the usual suspects for swirling sensations. I add this precaution because I convinced myself it was panic attack once and it was low blood pressure and vertigo from a recent cold and no amount of cbt tools could stop the feelings.

I hope that you can conquer this, take care

21-05-08, 21:30
hi could you tell me wot vertigo is as i get this same feeling i feel like im in a dream all the time and when something is going past me i feel like im moving with it. i can go in a supermarket and walk dwn the aisle and i feel like the floor is actually moving and i aint its like im on a esculator and it effects my balance i too have been suffering with anxiety and panic attacks for 5 years.ive had my blood pressure checked out and thats fine.x

22-05-08, 17:19
surely if it was vertigo it would happen all the time not just when Im in big cities or crossing busy roads etc??

Read about phobias here but whats the difference between fearing a tall building and fearing the symptoms of fear ,surely they are the same

22-05-08, 17:40
yeah I get that sensation when I'm up on top of mountains etc...sounds like vertigo. But you've made it specific to cities...you've thought about it until its formed an association and become a trigger for you. Only way to conquer it is to go to town and be strong...Feel the fear and do it anyway. Stand on a street corner and do diaphragmic breathing until you relax. Force yourself to look up and know that you are safe. Panic will always subside after the initial surge. You can do it.

22-05-08, 17:51
Hi thanks so what do you mean it sounds like vertigo,is it vertigo or the panic which mimics it but isnt really vertigo just the panic makin me wobbly?