View Full Version : Pins and needles

19-05-08, 23:32

Along with the usual symptoms that are listed here, i've begun getting pins and needles in my left hand when a panic attact is about to come on. Bit of a vicious circle to be honest. Pins and needles first/panic first?? Anyone else have this symptom??

20-05-08, 03:52
Hi Lilmiss

Could be either, but you said that the pins and needles come b4 a panic so I guess that they make you panic. But you can get pins & needles from a panic if you hyperventilate, I get them often because of this. I also get them on my left side anywhere from nails, tips of fingers, hands, arms and shoulders.

I think loadsa ppl get these lilmiss, very common.

I hope I have given you a little reassurance. I'm sure you will have loads of replies to this in the morning, and hope you are reassured that it's only anxiety.

Take care


20-05-08, 11:39
Hi Lilmissdee,:)

I would also get pins & needles - in my hands, arms & legs. When I first started getting them I actually went to the doctors but they found that everything was o.k. I didn't realise until recently that they could be related to panic/anxiety!:doh: If I focus on them at all they seem to get stronger but I'm not as panicky about them since I've realised that they are anxiety related. All the best xx

20-05-08, 12:25
Hi, I've had pins and needles too, get much worse when I'm in a real panic, but still get them occasionally when I don't think I'm that anxious. I've had them all over but they started in my hands. When I was really panicking they spread into my legs and feet. Its hard but the best thing to do is ignore them - they will go away if you really set your mind to it!

Take care


20-05-08, 16:03

I get pins and needles bad when im having a panic attack, but i still get them occasionally when im not having an attack.

I get them arms, legs, hand, and head.

love mandie x

20-05-08, 19:47
i get pins and needles but i have low b12 causing it i think, it went away for a fwe weeks while i was having shots but it's coming back again just waiting for blood test results to see if it's low still and i may need more shots.

20-05-08, 22:21
guys, thanks for the posts. its a grea reasurance to see others experience the same thing and im not actually having a stroke!!!! Its a pain thinking these things, but our wonderous brains dont give us the choice!! Thanks again X

20-05-08, 22:36
Hey there
Am new to the forum and this thread caught my eye, as pins and needles are on my list of symptoms at the moment. Have always had anxiety but never really experienced health anxiety as such before, not to this extent anyway. Am I experiencing actual symptoms?
Are my symptoms actually caused by anxiety about symptoms? (is my brain playing tricks on me?)
Is it just that I want to put these symptoms down to anxiety because I so desperately want them not to be something else?
My questions seem to take me round in circles!
I don't think these are just anxiety related symptoms as I'm sure I would have experienced something like this before (being of a worrying nature) but I find it difficult talking to the doctor because I feel embarassed, like I'm making a fuss, and won't be taken seriously because of the anxiety I have around this stuff.
Anyway, just wanted to vent something about this as it is bothering me tonight.
Good to read others' posts.

02-07-08, 23:51
Would often wake up suddenly in the middle of the night with pins and needles. Then I knew what would happen next.....u guessed it....the dreaded Panic attack!. Think alot of people have that symptom.....:hugs:

03-08-08, 18:54
Does anyone out there get pins and needles in their face?. It goes from one ear to the other and the lower part of my face and it doesn't seem to let up at all.
Please advise as it's scaring me to death!:unsure:

03-08-08, 23:31
Yes...for the last 3 or 4 weeks, ive been anxious about something very similar. Sorry about the description but its a bit hard to explain. The right side of my face and arm feel a bit numbish...like as if i were getting pins and needles. But the stupid thing is it isnt actually numb because if i touch my face i can feel it so its not numb...does that make sense. Then if i manage to relax for a while it seems to wear off (or im not concious of it then) Then i remember about it and off it goes again!!
Im sorry i cant describe it any better than that. I went to my gp about it last week as i was convinced i was going to have a stroke or something and he says he thinks its anxiety. He did try to explain it to me that when we overbreathe...hyperventilate it affects our calcium levels and that causes the feelings of pins and needles/numbness.
Hope your feeling better now though.:hugs: :hugs: