View Full Version : fear of taking AD

20-05-08, 04:00
Hello everyone,

does anybody else have a fear of taking the tablets? i have been told that they are what i need by my GP but im scared of taking them. ive always struggled to swallow tablets but this is more the side effects that im worried about...

Dani x:unsure:

20-05-08, 04:24
I usually struggle at first with taking a new script. Sometimes if I read up on it and there are alot of side effects I wont take it and ask my doctor for something else. But usually in the long run the side effects of the meds and nowhere near what suffering from a panic attack is. I hope you feel better soon

20-05-08, 10:47
Hi Dani_lou,:)

When I first went to the GP with panic/anxiety they also advised me to take Antidepressants. I also have a fear of taking tablets - but after a couple of weeks of thinking about it I decided to give them a try. I stayed on them for about 10 months. My experience with them was that they 'numbed' the anxiety/panic but it was still lurking in the background most of the time. (I think that my panic/anxiety is more related to negative thinking). I didn't really experience any side effects with the tablets. I suppose they affect different people in different ways - some people finding them more helpful than others - and you should do what you feel is best for you at the time when it comes to taking them or not. All the best xx

21-05-08, 21:44
i can honestly say that my anti depressants worked i too was weirry about taking them but so glad i have xx

21-05-08, 22:46
Antidepressants can make your symtoms much worse in the first 2 weeks or so but in the long term I've found its the only thing thats helped stop my panic attacks.

If you are aware that you will get worse before you get better it will help you cope more effectively.