View Full Version : okay...do u think this would be the reason why I am this way?

20-05-08, 06:21

I am a 22 year old happy go lucky beautiful person (might sound self centered haha) anyways, I come from a loving caring happy home never having anyone close to me die..not even grand parents. At age 8 I walked in to find my aunties and family sitting around the table and they all were crying and telling me that my mother had cancer. To me, I didn't know what cancer was or death was. For 2 years I was with my mother watching her progressively get sicker...not understanding that she might die. I was in the hospital by her side watching her lose her hair, have sezures, cry in pain, have canker sores...u name it! I saw her go through it...I had to help her have baths because she was so weak. August 9th 1997 my mother died. I was 11 years old and in sooo much shock that I'd grow up without her. Soon after my dad met a younger woman who had a 5 year old son 2 years later my step brother got hit by a drunk driver and was killed and I was there at the scene of the accident. Soon after that my dad divorced. I went to the doctor for a check up and came home and my dad asked why I went and I didn't wanna tell him because it was a paps smere. He asked if I had an std and I said no and he said" well, better be careful, everyone has std's even if they look fine, they do" and he went on about std's I was like whatever...but I took his advice. Finally at 19 I was moving to a city and when I was moving my dad told me that the city I am moving to is number one capital of std's and to be careful cause if I am not I could get aids. So whatever I was careful...then I started working with a girl who always came to work with a story about how she slept around with random different guys...I asked her if she wore condoms and she said no and then I asked her if she had an std she said she had Herpes and Genital Warts...I was FREAKED! I thought, my dad was sooo right! so I swore id get every guy tested before i slept with them and I looked up symptoms of std's and hiv...well, I got raped soon after...I FREAKED OUT! I didnt even charge him (stupid) I went and got tested right away...for 2 weeks I freaked out soooo bad...turned out I got clamydia from the jerk..suddenly things got a little stressful, I felt I had HIV! I couldn't eat, sleep, LIVE I got sooo sick finally I went to the doctor and got tested and it came back negative...so that reasurred me for a bit...then I thought NO the symptoms might not have shown in the tests yet! for 6 months I was sick with the symptoms...finally I joined an anxiety group...which helped me reasure myself that it's my anxiety causing me this grief...but, I still cannot get around it! I look up herpes to calm myself down so I know that I don't have the symptoms...but then I become obsessive...checking my body..any little body sensation I automatically think that it's herpes...I calm myself down by telling myself it's just my anxiety...then the symptoms go away for a while...then I get a little more stressed out and think that I have herpes again...it's a constant battle that goes on with myself...back and forth! "no...it's your anxieties" "but, the symptoms say that herpes outbreak happen when u are stressed out!" I hate it! Do u think that due to my past experiences is the reason why I am so obsessive? HELP haha I hate this!:doh:

20-05-08, 09:37
Yes of course it is.Find someone you can talk to about all of this. You've had a tough time and you need some help to sort it all out.

20-05-08, 22:01
hiya yes usually something starts or triggers it off and yours started after yr mum got ill and went on util yr dad scared you about std's, do u have a close friend or relative who u can talk too about it? if not lots of charitys do counselling for free or small charge and are very helpful if u cant get it through doctor, i am having cbt and its great it changes the way u think about stuff and it really does work. anyway welcome and read the left hand side stuff on probs and issues etc and this is all really useful stuff hugs xxx

21-05-08, 22:01
I think you're just like alot of us on here; that suffer from generalized anxiety ;and lets face it you have had a lot to deal with in your life; & i think what you've been through is enough to make anyone anxious... :)

22-05-08, 04:25
Thank you guys for the support! it really helps...like I can laugh at myself...but that's when the OCD kicks in..it's a battle..I do talk to people like this...but I always feel stupid..everytime I have a freak out session about herpes I just tell myself it's because of my life experiences...it calms me for a bit...then I freak out again...this website and reading people's reply's definetly help :) Thanks guys! keep them coming!!

22-05-08, 09:34
You have had so much to cope with in your life anyone would be anxious hunny! I would say some counselling regarding your mother and brothers deaths would be really beneficial to you. Also, you say you were raped, this again is another issue that you shouldnt keep to yourself, all this stuff needs talking through with someone who knows what they are doing, and is a specialist in their field. It seems things that have happened to you have always been out of your control so you are trying to take control by constantly checking. Please seek advice from your GP and asked to be referred to the right people, you owe it to yourself and you know that is what your mum would have wanted!!!! Dont let this beat you, you deserve a beautiful life! This website is great for the anxiety you are feeling but there may well be other specialist forums for other issues you have, have a little search round the web. I wish you so much luck and please please seek help from the right people, it will change your life for the better i promise, even if you just end up undertsnading yourself a little better. Keep posting on here and chatting, we are all here for you hunny, you are never alone. Massive Hugs C xxxxx

23-05-08, 04:14
That was very reasurring! Thank yout!! It helps me alot when people say things like that to me...good to know that I am not a crazy person...I have seeked councelling...right after my mom died my dad put us into grief councelling...then in high school we had peer councelling...and then just last year I joined a anxiety class...I just probably need to meditate...relax and get my mind off of it...pretty sure I freak out like this cause I am always preparing myself for a crisis since I've had so many of them :( ARG today I had another herpes freak out session..that's why I came on here and now I feel better :) u guys are the best THANK YOU!!