View Full Version : Does anyone know a weight loss strategy???

20-05-08, 07:13
Hi, I am 23 years old and have been gaining on pounds and this is getting to me. The thing is that after several efforts of exercise and dieting, I don’t seem to get any slimmer! There are many ways to lose weight, but I have exhausted all the ways I know. I have consulted a few people but all of them have been telling me the same thing. It isn’t helping me and only making my fears worse.

Is there some way to make me feel better!!!

20-05-08, 09:49
There is only one way to lose weight and that is to use more energy than the food you eat. There are lots of ways to go about this and the various diets you see around are usually not much good.
You need to change your way of eating and living permanently, for the rest of your life. It's no good going on a diet and then going back to the way you were before.
Somehow you need to convince yourself that you are not being deprived if you don't have all those things that the adverts tell us are so yummy. They are only trying to get your money.
There is no quick fix, it all takes time. There are no instant results. It's taken me about ten years to get to the point where I can sit and watch people eat chocalate and stuff and not want it myself. But you can do it.
Why not start with your doc and have a few checks to make sure there is no physical reason why you find losing weight so difficult.
Then you could try joining a group, it's much easier if you have support from other people who know how you feel.

Good luck, I hope you succeed

20-05-08, 11:33
Hunt out a book called Slim 4 Life by a chap called Jason Vale.

I have read so many books about nutrition and weight loss and this is the one that you want. We all know what we need to do and what we should and shouldn't eat but for some reason we ignore this and continue to self medicate with bad food.

This book will make you realise what that reason is and will give you the smarts to make and want to make the right choices.

21-05-08, 07:04
You are not the only one having problems trying to lose weight, without any success. I know that it is very frustrating to try all sorts of things and still be in the same shape…..I too have faced that!!! Just a couple of weeks back I came across *LINK REMOVED* that not only made me glad I did (I finally got a product that does the real thing) but got the work started. It has been a great way for me because it doesn’t throw up obstacles but gets the job done.