View Full Version : Today I have ........Tuesday

20-05-08, 07:39
This is the place to put your achievement/s for today no matter how tiny they were to you they were a triumph xxhugxx :hugs:

You cannot appreciate the Rainbow without the rain.


20-05-08, 07:40
Change starts when someone sees the next step !


20-05-08, 13:20
So no one has done anything yet today, that's ok neither have I apart from lose my temper with a certain bank beginning with A and ending in Y. xxhugxx:hugs:

20-05-08, 13:52
I slept through the entire night last night with no wake ups during the night. I have no idea how or why, but I do know that its the first time so far in 2008 that it has happened.

From long experience, the best thing to do is not to have any expectations for tonight again . . . and not be disappointed if it doesn't happen.

But my fingers are crossed in hopes that it will, of course.

20-05-08, 14:12
Never2late oh well done you, and quite right do not think about tonight at all just go with the flow xxhugxx:hugs: :whistles:

20-05-08, 15:49
Just did a little dance with my daughter to Take That on the radio .. not felt like doing that in a LOOOOOOOONG time :roflmao: :yesyes:

20-05-08, 15:55
Went to the shop today without really thinking about it...and felt absolutely great.

20-05-08, 16:57
hi caz welldone u sounding like you are really doing well with yr twins, double trouble must be hard work but fun too. i hope u continue to feel positive hun xxxxx

20-05-08, 17:12
hi caz i got u mixed up with other caz sorry hehe but hope u well xxxx

20-05-08, 18:28
Hi Lindy Today I have just posted you a hug on Donna's "Hugs for Lindy" thread. Have a great evening. I don't want to post anything about myself today.xx

20-05-08, 22:25
Today I went to the dentist, nearly cancelled the appointment because I felt so crap when I got up but I didn't and I was so nervous before the appointment but when I got there I was fine.

love Mags xxxxxxxx