View Full Version : Still anxious about my oldest Siamese................

20-05-08, 08:00
I check his eating, his bowel and urine habits, I weigh him every few days. Watch his every movement when he is awake. He is 14 and his mummy's boy. I wish I could be sensible over this.:ohmy:

20-05-08, 20:12
Hi Trixie, its natural to be concerned over our pets when we love them so much...my dog (I mentioned her previously) had an epileptic fit at 2.10am this morning. They just come out of the blue, there's never any warning, and she usually crashes out of bed so I get a real fright when it happens! We just want to protect them but please try not to worry.

20-05-08, 20:55
That's the problem when you are an animal lover.:shrug:

Cathy V
20-05-08, 21:06
Trixie, 14 years is a lifetime to have him with you. Its more than natural to feel the way you do about him...bless him. I had to leave my cat maggie with my daughter in stafford when i moved over here to germany last summer...broke my heart just as much as leaving my kids behind. My daughter Jo sends me loads of pics of her to my email and every time i see her i start with the waterworks :weep: I know shes ok and shes happy so i'm thankful for that.
When the kids all left home it was just me and maggie and she was someone to come home to...she was my buddy. I miss her. Don't ever apologise to us for how you feelabout your buddy too, ok?

Best wishes
Cathy xxx :flowers:

20-05-08, 21:07
hi trixie just wanted to say i hope your cat is ok, i am a cat lover and not long had one die with liver cancer and it was so sad. i love siamese cats though very vocal and if i had another one i would def get a siamese hugs to u xxxx

21-05-08, 06:34
Sinking feeling this morning and butterflies in my stomach when watching him this morning:weep:

22-05-08, 11:15
What you said about him being a mummy's boy reminded me of my mum's Persian, Pushkin. He is a big red chinchilla Persian and very very affectionate, my mum absolutely dotes on him, my sister and I joke that he is her favourite child. I was teasing her about it once and I asked her who she would save first from a burning building, Pushkin or my dad. She hesitated and then said 'Erm...well...I think your dad would manage on his own!' We still tease her about that. Seriously though, he is a lovely cat, my boyfriend calls him 'Doctor Love' because if anyone is ill and in bed he sits with them all day. He is very kind-hearted.
I can really relate to how you feel about your cat, they really get into your heart and become hugely important to you. The relationship you build up with a pet is a really significant one, people don't always understand that. Is your cat generally well at the moment or has he had health problems? What is his name?

22-05-08, 11:23
Hiya sorry, I just read about all the problems you've been having on another post...I'm sorry, I hope things get better for you soon and that your cat makes a full recovery.

22-05-08, 11:23
What you said about him being a mummy's boy reminded me of my mum's Persian, Pushkin. He is a big red chinchilla Persian and very very affectionate, my mum absolutely dotes on him, my sister and I joke that he is her favourite child. I was teasing her about it once and I asked her who she would save first from a burning building, Pushkin or my dad. She hesitated and then said 'Erm...well...I think your dad would manage on his own!' We still tease her about that. Seriously though, he is a lovely cat, my boyfriend calls him 'Doctor Love' because if anyone is ill and in bed he sits with them all day. He is very kind-hearted.
I can really relate to how you feel about your cat, they really get into your heart and become hugely important to you. The relationship you build up with a pet is a really significant one, people don't always understand that. Is your cat generally well at the moment or has he had health problems? What is his name?

His name is Ping, he is 14 and a blue point Siamese and although the vet says he is good for his age I am looking for problems all the time. :unsure:

22-05-08, 11:51
He sounds lovely, I'm very fond of siamese. I'm sure he will be ok, if the vet thinks he's all right. I know it's hard to stop worrying though. Is he an outdoor cat or do you keep him in?

28-05-08, 16:16
He sounds lovely, I'm very fond of siamese. I'm sure he will be ok, if the vet thinks he's all right. I know it's hard to stop worrying though. Is he an outdoor cat or do you keep him in?

Sorry I only just noticed your question, he is an indoor cat I would have a heart attack if he got outside.:weep:

30-05-08, 18:42
Having a little worry about Ping at the moment. He is lying down on the settee in the sun but he hasn't eaten enough for my liking today (he weighs 10lb) but that's anxiety for you totally irrational at times.:weep: