View Full Version : Panic, panic, panic

20-05-08, 09:13
Phew - where to begin - firstly - family member just been diagnosed with breast cancer but prognosis good - secondly,dog nearly died as seriously ill but better now, thirdly, son announced engagement, fourthly , daughter graduates from 4years at uni in July, and most importan of all- we are moving next week - after 16 years briniging up a family in one big house.

All this was fine and I feel in control but now I feel so anxious, breathless, buzzing with anxiety and adrenaline and hot and fidgety. Taking Kalms, deep breathing and tapping eft and using rescue remedy which sort of keeps in under control but feel like so buzzy its scary. I know all these things are a list and its inevitable but any tips as the next few weeks will be very stressful plus I am terrified of the graduation coz of my panic attacks in places like halls, theatres, restaurants etc etc - trapped feelng - help!!!:blush: Wenjoy

20-05-08, 20:53
Gosh Wenjoy sounds like you really have your hands full, sound like everything as happened all at the same time:hugs: .

Moving home itself is a stressfull thing to do, i myself am moving house next week and my anxiety as shown its ugly head again all those horrid symptoms that i thought had long gone. :ohmy:

I hope everything works out fine for you hun and wish your family well too, we both know we have managed to control the anxiety in the past and got through it and im sure we will do it again!


20-05-08, 21:05
Hi Wenjoy,

Don't try to be Superwoman.
Delegate jobs..make this a real family effort.
Make lists of what needs done and hand out jobs to everyone.
Eat properly,rest properly and this will pass.
Good luck in your new home.
Best wishes,

21-05-08, 17:24
Thankyou for your replies - I am trying to delegate but hubby is stressed and I am a bit of a control freak!!! The thing I am most anxious about is the granduation at my daughters uni - my hubby is an NLP counsellor and he says that I chose to react the way I do - I have a choice - and that its up to me to convince my fears that I really really WANT to be there and not dread it - easier said than done when I am menopausal,overweight and anxious!!!
Thanks again>Wenjoy x