View Full Version : Cough

20-05-08, 09:44
I'm really worrying this morning about a tickly cough that developed yesterday. My husband has had a sore throat and cough and now I have this tickly cough but as usual I don't believe it's the same as his. I think it's lung cancer and my mind is really running away with me. It's hard to describe this cough, sometimes it feels like something is ticklying my throat and other times it feels like something is irritating my chest. I know I've had this before but I still can't convince myself it's health anxiety rearing its ugly head again. Anyone esle had this cough?
I have a big family wedding to look forward to on Saturday and I'm letting this spoil things for me.

20-05-08, 10:04
I have this cough too and not to make you cry I have had it for nearly eight weeks . . . . I said the other day that it felt like someone had put a prickly feather in my throat. I coughed so much I couldnt breathe and my eyes were crying.
I spoke to my GP and he said there are lots and lots of coughs and colds and viruses about at the moment.
I am agoraphobic and rarely go out and I managed to get one :-) xx
Hope this helps believe me if you had lung cancer you wouldnt only have a tickly cough and funny tickly chest
Love nooeyx

20-05-08, 10:15
I've also got a cough right now that's getting worse. Yesterday it felt like I had a lump in my throat making it hard to breathe but it seems to have gone.

You might just be coming down with a cold or flu. I am because i'm achey all over and my nose is runny :(


20-05-08, 12:53
Thank you so much for your replies, I feel so much better now:) xxx

20-05-08, 17:53
:D I too have a bit of a cough, must be something going round.
Don't worry and enjoy your wedding.

Mandy xx

21-05-08, 08:12
Thank you Mandy. I think I've got what's going round.

Take Care xx