View Full Version : Still pregnant and till struggling!

Laura xx
07-04-05, 21:11

Still pregnant, still struggling with my anxiety, so still mad! (no change there)

But gave up smoking 1 week ago today, which am really pleased about!

I have a new symptom though this week. Everytime I breath in my throat hurst? its kind of like a constricting pain around the bottom of my neck! Not sure what this one is? But feel too ill really to worry about it.

I am hoping that in another fornight to four weeks, I will start to feel better!

Laura xx

07-04-05, 21:19
hi Laura,

Well done for giving up smoking!!

I'm not sure what the pain in your throat could be. I have never had that. I'm sure that it's nothing serious though and that it will pass soon.

Sarah :D

07-04-05, 22:06
Hi Laura

Very well done for giving up smoking.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

07-04-05, 22:44
Hi Laura

Firstly well done for giving up smoking, you have done well there and it is for the best, even though i am a smoker myself!!!!

How you are feeling is quite common with anxiety, so please dont worry about it, you wont stop breathing and you wont choke.

Hope the pregnancy is going well otherwise.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

08-04-05, 14:43
Hi Laura,
Well done for stopping smoking, i done the same a few years back and remember i used to get the most awful symptoms, my hubby (not an anxiety sufferer) gave up 3 weeks ago, and as you decribe your throat, he had exactly the same, and more, he says he feels no better by having given up, but i know that i remember feeling worse before i felt
better, try to keep at it, and enjoy your pregnancy as best you can. keep in touch and let us know of your continued progress, well done again xxx

08-04-05, 14:52
well done for giving up smoking, realy wish i would as lots of these breathing probs i have must be connected. I am going to give up but thought i would wait. I have tried once and lasted 4 weeks lol. But i gave up drinking 16 months ago after 40 years heavy daily drinking, that shattered my nerves for months, but feel much better now. also have some surgery to have done and am so scared of that too. so might trie again after that. good luck and hope u feeel better soon. Vernon.

PS I was wrong saying I am going to try? We should be posative and say I WILL GIVE UP. No trying and if and buts?

08-04-05, 16:56
Hi Laura,
Well done on giving up smoking!!I am an ex midwife and am all too aware of the problems it can cause if you smoke when you are pregnant.However I did used to smoke myself too.I gave up about 3-4 years ago now....felt better after about 3weeks physically....but oh my god,what a difference it makes finacially!!You wait and see.Keep it up,cause it will help with your panic too(well it did me).I shouldnt worry too much about your throat problems.It sounds like another anxiety syptom to me.I sometimes feel like I have a lump in my throat when Im feeling stressed,and feel like I cant swallow....horrible.Try not to focus on it too much (easy to say,I know....find that one hard to do myself).Take care and let us know how you are coping with the pregnancy too.How far along are you?Love T x

08-04-05, 21:38
Hi Laura

Hope you are okay and you have a nice weekend. We are all here for you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

09-04-05, 09:12
Hi Laura,

Well done for giving up smoking!!!!
How are you feeling now? The first few weeks will be the worst, hopefully, in your pregnancy, but you should start to feel better when you get past 12-14 weeks.

Enjoy it and look forward to the birth of the baby. Anxiety is horrible, but at least you have something wonderful to look forward to.

Take care,
Love, Linda.x