View Full Version : Please can anyone help? Ovarian C panic - WOMEN ONLY PLEASE

20-05-08, 10:31
I am driving myself insane here. Just for info I am 36 and have a 5 yr old child. I went for a scan about 18 months ago to check for poly cystic ovaries as I suffer from acne and thick black hairs around my neck and chin. The blood test was clear but the scan apparently showed that I was "slightly cystic". Just lately I have been having alot of health anxiety and for some reason I have started to worry about this again. I have been getting aching in my side near my ribs and suffering from bloating. My periods are virtually non-existant as I have a mirena coil fitted. (sorry for all the detail!). I thought I had bled the other day after s*x but it turned out that I had started a period which I wasn't expecting. I am now panicking that I have OC and I am so very scared. What if they got it wrong at my scan and it's something horrible but it's too late? I can't get into my GP for over a week (which is terrible in itself) and I am so afraid I am not relaxing. My heart is constantly racing and I can't sleep. I desperately need help but I am scared my doctors think I am a hypochondriac. My poor husband and Mum are driven to despair trying to help me but they can't as it just doesn't sink in. I am constantly sobbing and getting very fed up with myself so I can only imagine how fed up everyone else is.
Please help me.

20-05-08, 10:48

Please don't worry, I too from time to time have panicked that I have OC and also went for scans. I had a dull ache on the right side of my pelvis but ironically the scan showed a cyst on the other side. Dr said the cyst looked completely normal and was not concerned. Apparently we can get cysts that come and go all the time and most of us don't even know we have them.
Hope this has been some help to you. Take care.

20-05-08, 10:51
Awww firstly please try not to worry. I too have terrible HA and I , like yourself, have had various tests for a swelling on my neck, but I am still not conviced(though a lot better than i was thanks to some lovely ppl on here!!!!).
I am sure you are fine-----I too get aches and pains all over!!!
We have to try and believe that the health experts are right---after all look how much training they have had!!
If you have had a scan then the results are what they are-----slightly cystic---and nothing else.Please try and believe them(I fully understand as i am just the same!).
By all means go back to your GP for reassurance---I have been back 3 times and have now been referred for CBT which may be an idea for yourself to help you overcome Health Anxiety.
Take care---sending you hugs xxxxxx

20-05-08, 10:59
Hi Jellybean and Mary
Thank you so very very much for your quick replies. It's so good to know I am not alone. I think CBT would be an excellent idea. I will ask my GP. I can't go on like this that's for sure.
Thanks again

20-05-08, 11:30
I am driving myself insane here. Just for info I am 36 and have a 5 yr old child. I went for a scan about 18 months ago to check for poly cystic ovaries as I suffer from acne and thick black hairs around my neck and chin. The blood test was clear but the scan apparently showed that I was "slightly cystic". Just lately I have been having alot of health anxiety and for some reason I have started to worry about this again. I have been getting aching in my side near my ribs and suffering from bloating. My periods are virtually non-existant as I have a mirena coil fitted. (sorry for all the detail!). I thought I had bled the other day after s*x but it turned out that I had started a period which I wasn't expecting. I am now panicking that I have OC and I am so very scared. What if they got it wrong at my scan and it's something horrible but it's too late? I can't get into my GP for over a week (which is terrible in itself) and I am so afraid I am not relaxing. My heart is constantly racing and I can't sleep. I desperately need help but I am scared my doctors think I am a hypochondriac. My poor husband and Mum are driven to despair trying to help me but they can't as it just doesn't sink in. I am constantly sobbing and getting very fed up with myself so I can only imagine how fed up everyone else is.
Please help me.

My daughter who has social paranoia, OCD, depression, agraphobia, anxiety attacks, self harms when put in a stressful situation, insomnia, and has hardly left the house in 5 years also suffers from polycystic ovarian syndrome.

She hasn't had a period in years (she won't go back on the pill) and was on Metaformin but isn't now. It took many years to get a diagnosis as she wouldn't go to the doctor to have a blood test and wouldn't see the nurse when she came to the house to do it. She seems quite satisfied luckily she doesn't have hairs on her face but her legs are very hairy and her hair is very oily and flaky.:weep: Don't worry about OC I am sure everything is ok:yesyes:

20-05-08, 12:13
it's pretty common what you have discribed about PCOS, have been given metformin to take which is excellent but it does cause all sorts of problems!

Have you tried a low GI diet and I have actupuncture for mine ever since then my periods have been spot on funny enough.... I am pretty sure OC may not be a problem but if you worried it's better to check in with the docs.

20-05-08, 22:39
I'm not giving any details but my cousin has ovarian cancer and hers was picked up on a standard ultrasound scan. There was no messing about she was told she had a serious problem with her ovaries, and she was operated on pretty quick so be reassured that if you had ovarian cancer then it would be picked up on the normal pelvic ultrasound.

I am 46 yrs old and 2 yrs ago started having wacky periods and my life long ovulation pain went beserk as well lasting up to 10 days!! I of course immediately thought of my cousin and rushed off for tests and my scan was compeltely normal - I even had a D&C, biopsy and hysteroscopy and also CA125 blood test for ovarian cancer. End of all that was told its my age and wonky hormones!!!

21-05-08, 00:16
Hi ... i have had similar symptoms and worries recently and saw a specialist at my local hospital and it seems to be the coil that was causing the problems. i had the same coil as you have fitted 7 years ago and at first it was great... no periods which was fantastic cos mine were ridiculously heavy and lasted 10 days at a time...i started to get pelvic pain and irregular spotting/periods in year 4 so had a new one fitted two years ago and thought that would sort it out ....but my problems seemed to get gradually worse until i got to the point where i was spotting or bleeding constantly and getting regular pains and cramping plus bloating. I have had colposcopy treatment for abnormal cervical cells 8 years ago and so thought that it was something bad reoccurring....Anyway two weeks ago i had a horrendously long wait at the hospital cos clinic running 2 hours late and when i finally go into doc i was in panic mode. he was sooo lovely tho and did an exam and told me it was certainly the mirena coil causing the problems....he said it was not uncommon for people to get on ok with it for a few years and then have problems. He said i could live with the symptoms, which i decided was not an option, cos who wants a constant period or to look pregnant all the time, or he could take it out. I opted to have it removed and within 3 days my bleeding had stopped, cramping had gone and i had a flat stomach (well flatish :blush: ) for the first time in nearly two years :D ..... im not saying that your symptoms are definitely coil related it may be worth checking out.... i think this type of coil has hormone in it which it designed to slow release over 5 years but i just don't think at this time in my life (39) that the hormones were helping me... maybe have a word with your doctor about it... as i say it may be unrelated but when i read your post it was spookily like my own experience that i thought i would mention it...

21-05-08, 09:59
Hi everyone
I just wanted to say thank you to you all for such encouragement and reassurance. You have no idea how much I appreciate it all.
Sending big virtual hugs to you all (((((())))))

21-05-08, 11:19
I too am cystic , they are harmless and normal i was told.