View Full Version : Worrying about DVT am flying Friday

20-05-08, 11:19
Hey All

Well I am off on my holidays on Friday and whilst I am partly excited, the other part of me is terrified.
I have had a pain in my left leg for some time now (i have a sneaky suspicion its sciatica) however am terrified its a blood clot.
Now I am flying to Turkey on Friday and am scared whitless about either already having a clot, or getting one.

The flight is from Birmingham I think its just over four hours, would you invest in flight socks? Should I see the doc as well just to get my left leg checked out. I can get fairly panicky on the plane, the last couple of times I have had bad palps etc...and generally on the brink of freaking out.

I have gone right into panic overload now :ohmy:

Can anyone help?

20-05-08, 11:23
Hey All

Well I am off on my holidays on Friday and whilst I am partly excited, the other part of me is terrified.
I have had a pain in my left leg for some time now (i have a sneaky suspicion its sciatica) however am terrified its a blood clot.
Now I am flying to Turkey on Friday and am scared whitless about either already having a clot, or getting one.

The flight is from Birmingham I think its just over four hours, would you invest in flight socks? Should I see the doc as well just to get my left leg checked out. I can get fairly panicky on the plane, the last couple of times I have had bad palps etc...and generally on the brink of freaking out.

I have gone right into panic overload now :ohmy:

Can anyone help?

What type of pain is it?

20-05-08, 11:25

I have pain the back of my leg, knee area, and also at the top by hip/bum. My calf is stiff, but then so is my other calf and the whole of my body aches. So I am used to being sore etc...

It gets worse after sitting for a while and also if I wear heels or do alot of walking, my toes also go numb when I drive

20-05-08, 11:34

I have pain the back of my leg, knee area, and also at the top by hip/bum. My calf is stiff, but then so is my other calf and the whole of my body aches. So I am used to being sore etc...

It gets worse after sitting for a while and also if I wear heels or do alot of walking, my toes also go numb when I drive

Sound more like sciatica than anything, I had a op on my back and I get sciatica in the both cheeks of my bum and it radiates down the backs of my legs.

If you want to be on the safe side have a quick word with your doctor. It is not only flying that can cause a problem going on a coach or even sitting at the computer can cause a problem if there is going to be one.:shrug:

21-05-08, 07:30
Hi Emira,

My father has been in hospital recently after being diagnosed with a DVT. This was discovered after he flew home from Spain.
After a week in hospital,he is now on the road to recovery and has indeed flown again since that diagnosis.
On a flight,you can get up regularly and walk up and down the plane.
Invest in a pair of flight socks.
It is entirely natural for us as Anxiety sufferers to compare our symptoms with a whole myriad of conditions.The only way to overcome this is to take action which will bring peace of mind-consult a doctor,challenge the thinking,distract yourself.
Remember,there will be excitement at the idea of your holiday mixed in with your anxiety-don't confuse the two.
Remember to look forward to your holiday and the relaxation and enjoyment you have ahead of you!
Best wishes,

21-05-08, 08:25
Thanks guys, I will talk to my doctor and organise some flight socks as well, I have read up about drinking water, exercises etc....

I feel a bit manic trying to prepare for all of this, I am losing the excitement of the holiday slightly.

before I had HA a good few years ago I used to be a travel rep and fly all the time, I feel sad sometimes thinking about how I have lost that confidence and think there is something wrong with me all the time - grrr

I will invest in some flight socks, I know I will feel better with them on, and do all the other bits.

Thanks Trixy and Chalky

21-05-08, 08:43
Forgot to say 'Have a wonderful holiday' :yesyes:'