View Full Version : Alcohol and Panic attacks

20-05-08, 12:41
Hi! Im Steve-o, Im 23 and Im a student at Cardiff Uni. I have had panic attacks since I was about 12. Like every student (and human being?) I drink maybe like once a fortnight. I will go out to a club with my friends. For me personally the drink really helps me in social situations as well as a crowded noisy club environment. I have been out before sober with my friends and I really don't like the crowds and noise so I start to panic a bit. I dont ever abuse drink or use it more than I should. Just normal on a night out. I started drinking when I was 18 and I used to be able to cope with hangovers absolutly fine but now I find that I have the worst panic attacks ever, the day after drinking. It seems to get worse each time. I don't even drink as much as I used to. Right now for instance I am sitting in my bedroom shaking like a leaf, so scared and panicky just because I went out and drank last night. Infact, hangovers are probably the only time i experience panic attacks nowadays. Why has this suddenly happened? Any help would be appreicaited. Also if anyone can calm me down right now too that would be amazing. :weep:

20-05-08, 12:57
Maybe you're having such bad panics when you're hungover because you've built them up to be bad. I mean, as if you're expecting it to happen?
Are you eating properly the day after you've been drinking? If you're not eating properly, that will definitely not help your panics.
Personally, I didn't drink that much while I was at uni, but I know most other people do!!!! - think my body has got so used to the lack of alcohol now, i'm such a lightweight! - if you have any tips for feeling relaxed in clubs that'd be great!!! Last time I properly went clubbing was in Cardiff I think when I visited a mate who goes to the uni!!!
Finally, have you tried drinking less on your night's out so that you don't feel quite so bad the following day?? - obvoiusly, I don't know how much you drinnk at the moment, but it's a thought.

Hope this has all made sense!


20-05-08, 13:39
Perhaps if you've been under stress lately -- and it doesn't necessarily have to be a huge amount of stress -- the partying and drinking may be just a bit over the top for you right now. Take the day and relax, give your nerves a day off too. If you listen to music today, listen to a more "quiet" type of music, no violent movies or television, etc. Nerves will always rebound -- yours will too. Good luck!

20-05-08, 14:00
hi its awful the day after drinking i know all to well how it makes you feel as im going through it today anxiety is sky high it does go though youll be ok

21-05-08, 19:45
Hiya Steve,
I am a lot older than you I'm 40 I have noticed over the last couple of years I have really bad hangovers, yes I went to college drank like a fish etc that never used to bother me, used to go to classes or work next day everything fine, I have noticed since suffering from anx that the alchol makes it worse the next day, also I used to work for the CMHT and noticed that patients had more acute symptoms if they had been drinking the night before, I am not sure what this is but it could have something to do with blood sugar, I have a friend whom is a neurologist and he says people whom suffer with epilepsy also suffer an increase in seizures whilst they have hangovers again he thinks that it is blood sugar related.

Hope that this helps.


PS try to sticking to drinks that don't give you a hangover, this maybe trial and error.