View Full Version : Choking feeling and Tingly Face

08-04-05, 01:18
Hi All,

this is my first time doing this so forgive the lack of knowledge of whats gone before.

A few months ago I woke in the middle of the night with a tingling burning sensation going up my back and upto my head. This then lead to a full blown anxiety attack where I couldn't breath etc. I went to ER and they diagnosed me as having an anxiety disorder.

Since then I have had various tests on my digestive system as this is, and has been, an area that is affected. What worries me is that I have a feeling of choking and a tingly feeling at the back of my neck and my face. Does anyone else have these symptoms?

By the way I have found vitamin B12 and eating bananas good at reducing my anxiety level. I also take Lexapro :D.


08-04-05, 10:46
hello Steve,

I get those bsame feelings in my neck and face quite a lot, normally when I'm feeling very anxious. It's a very common sysmptom of anxiety so don't worry as you are not alone..

Sarah :D

08-04-05, 13:49
HI Steve ,

Are you taking the Lexapro for this ?

A sensation of choking and throat restriction is one of the most common signs of anxiety

Tight throat : MORE HORRID SYMPTOMS!!!! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1957)


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Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

08-04-05, 20:13
I too feel as though I am not getting enough air and that tingly feeling in my face. So you are definately not alone.[^]


11-04-05, 19:20
Hi Meg (and all),

to answer your question regarding Lexapro. Yes I was given the drug to help with anxiety. It does seem to help but I don't like being on it. I have started exercising a lot and have tried to come off it but the anxiety levels build up again. It takes about 5 weeks to have your system adjust to it so it can be difficult to asses its immediate benefits.

I also noted that Vitamin B12 can make the anxiety worse to start with until your body adjusts to it.

