View Full Version : pains in your head

Granny Primark
20-05-08, 20:36
Ive noticed before I get a severe panic attack that im getting pains in my head.
Its really begining to scare me.
Ive been able to manage my panic attacks recently but am really struggling at the moment.
Im wondering if its time I got my eyes checked. Could this be the problem?

Take care

20-05-08, 20:59
Hi Lynn, Can't say I have had pains as you describe prior to a panic attack but I think everyone's symptoms are different. But hey! don't panic about them. Sounds like an excellent idea to get your eyes tested. They say we should go once a year so maybe you need a check up. Also it's possible (and this is only what I think), that if you are stressed that may be causing bad headaches. From your recent posts sounds like you have had a lot of stress. Are you drinking enough a water? I know it sounds daft but being dehydrated can cause headaches. Take it easy and I am glad you enjoyed your birthday. TC Jesse x

20-05-08, 21:02
Hi Lynn,

Getting your eyes checked won't do any harm.
Tension headaches can be a royal pain in the butt.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Best wishes,

20-05-08, 21:13
Hi Lynn

I agree would be a good idea to get your eyes tested wont do no harm.

I have been suffering with tension headaches the last week it drives me mad, dont know exactly where you get the pain in your head but this week i have had the horrid tension pain at the side of my head on the temple above my ear.

Hope you start to feel better soon:hugs: :hugs:


20-05-08, 22:57

I got my eyes cheaked last time due to head aches leading up to fainting etc ... all was clear..

what type of head ache is it? when does it happen?

At the minute im struggling alot with things , my head hurts all over, not like a head ache i get from shopping or what ever, its like a giants hand squeezing it at either side,, and up above my eye brows it hurts more than the sides.. is this the kind you are getting?

my doc then (a yr ago) said its worry, thats when she put me on beta blockers.. thats on top of the anti d's im on for feeling low..

Are you on any medication at all? maybe you need something like me?


21-05-08, 15:00
Hi Lyn,

I went to the opticians just this morning to have my eyes tested and was told that eyes are fine. I've got a docs appointment next week to have a total check up because I am experiencing exactly the same as you.... I hate it - currently at work feeling so dizzy and rubbish...i just want to be at home sleeping as its the only time I can escape these feelings :(

I just want something to take the edge off.

21-05-08, 15:08
Hi Lynn :)

I get like pressure headaches, during a panic attack and then am left with a heavy feeling in my head once the panic has gone. I also at times get severe shooting pains, that hurt so much, in one side of my head only, but touch wood, not had these now for a few weeks.

As the others have said, it would do no harm to get your eyes tested. I am due an eyetest myself and actually had one booked...but ummm kind of chickened out and cancelled it, but have rebooked it for next Tuesday, so fingers crossed will make that one.

Just had a thought, what opticians do you use? Maybe we could get one booked at the same place and give each other support?

Kaz xx :hugs:

21-05-08, 20:19
i suffer with alot of head aches i think it could be down to stress ive had my eyes tested and i have perfect vision.i get sharp pains at the side of me head its abit like when u eat a cold ice cream and u get the brain freeze. i get it at the top of my head like i got house bricks on top of me head. dont know if this is the feelings u get? i have been prescribed diazapam which i take in emergencies which actually does take the heavyness away from my head and takes the edge feeling away x

09-07-08, 23:26
I've only just joined because i've been really worried about shooting pains in my head that have been happening for the past month or so.

I've read lots of replies to other members about the same thing and feel a little reasured but i don't suffer from anxiety or depression or anything really so can't quite figure out what could be causing these pains.

There is also one more worrying thing... i'm only 15! :unsure:

Has anybody got any advice or sollutions to this problem?

hannah x x

10-07-08, 15:32
i get horrible tension headaches as well. pain at the base of my head, in a band around the top, at the temples, and then the shooting pains. those are usually in the back of the head, and my doctor has told me theyre basically muscle spasms. there are tons of muscles on your scalp, i never knew that. it seems obvious, but i just assumed it was skin and hair ;) i also get them in my legs and chest due to anxiety. but of course thats just me, you should check with your doctor!

I am going to get my eyes checked this weekend for basically the same reason. i dont think anything is wrong but its better to be safe then sorry.

10-07-08, 15:42

I get lots of tension headaches that give me disturbed vision, dizziness and lethargy. I find that taking the painkillers 'syndol' helps me. They are for migraines and tension headaches. They do make you drowsy though so don't take if you need to drive. If I'm at work I know I can take one and be ok to drive, but taking two sends me to sleep which is great if Im home as I wake up headache free!!

10-07-08, 17:32
Hi everyone,
Yes I get pains in my head and they are usually in the same place on one side only.Sometimes it feels like pressure and at others it feels like a dull throb.It has made me feel very frightened at times but as my hubby says "if it wasn't just anxiety related you would have had other signs by now"I suppose he is right. I mentioned it to the doc a few weeks ago and she did some strange tests like holding my hands out in front of me whilst keeping my eyes shut and moving my head from side to side etc. She said there was nothing sinister going on as she could tell from these(strange eh?)I would get checked yourself though to put your mind at ease as I know what it's like to worry.
Hugs anyway
Love Mothermac xxxx

13-07-08, 21:50
When we have panic attaks, our muscles tense so much... The aches in the body afterwards and feeling tired is completly normal. I used to get cramps on my head, very sharp... They were tension headaches. Sooth your nerves and muscles by sitting in warm tub or hottub not too long, but till you are relazed. Use levander essential oil...
I also got an anxiety relief drops from a health store. It is a mixture of different plants. Bach is a popular brand, but there are other brands that make anxiety relief drops too. You drop it on a piece of papertowel, and breathe it in and out. You can put a few drops in your bath, and on your shower floor. On your pillow before sleeping. It really calms down your senses, and helps greatly with post attack headaches, sharp pains etc... If you can afford get a massage.