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20-05-08, 21:49

I am booked in for an endoscopy on Thursday and i am getting worried. It came with a booklet saying the procedure was safe but that there was a risk that something could be torn inside and an operation may have to take place. I am not getting sedated, i want to be fully aware of whats going on. Has anyone had this done, does it hurt. I am also worried incase they find something bad. I am having it coz i feel sick all the time and keep getting like a stitch pain on the left hand side. What do you think they are looking for?

20-05-08, 22:15

I am booked in for an endoscopy on Thursday and i am getting worried. It came with a booklet saying the procedure was safe but that there was a risk that something could be torn inside and an operation may have to take place. I am not getting sedated, i want to be fully aware of whats going on. Has anyone had this done, does it hurt. I am also worried incase they find something bad. I am having it coz i feel sick all the time and keep getting like a stitch pain on the left hand side. What do you think they are looking for?

Perhaps they are looking to see if you have IBS or have any diverticuli (pouches on the bowel wall-many people have these).

I have them and many times mine have become infected causing diverticulitis. I have been admitted to hospital and put on a drip because of this problem.

They have to cover themselves that is why they have mentioned the tear they don't want to be sued. I am sure you will be fine. I found it all quite interesting.:)

20-05-08, 22:31
Endoscopy only looks at your stomach and duodenum and does not go into your bowel so cannot check for IBS etc. They will be checking you don't have anything wrong from your throat to your duodenum.

I had sedation for mine and it was wonderful - new nothing and came to feeling completely normal other than very wobbly legs until the sedation wore off about 15 mins later. No aftereffects of the proceedure at all couln't tell I had had a camera down my throat. I had hiatus hernia which I already suspected.

i am not sure I would have it without sedation as the gagging reflex is pretty strong but once past that on the way in and out it should be okay - my friend had it down without sedation and that is what he said.

21-05-08, 03:30
I recentley had this done without sedation, and if im perfectly honest it wasnt nice, not pain but i gagged the whole time.

If you can be sedated...I would reccommend it strongly.

They look for ulcers etc and they can also take a biopsy there n then if there is anything amiss.

it only takes about 10 mins, your throat will be a bit sore afterwards.

My endescopy came back normal(they tell you there and then).

If i ever have to have another one done i would certainly opt for sedation.

Good luck sweetheart....im sure you will be fine.

take care Tracie

21-05-08, 06:01
I have an apology to make where I live a colonoscopy and an gastroscopy both come under the name endoscopy when being referred to.

I had a gastroscopy to see if I had a hiatus hernia. I had my throat sprayed to stop the gagging reflex rather than have sedation. I didn't like it BUT every one else I know that had the same procedure said it was fine.:D

21-05-08, 06:04
I found this online

Why you may have an endoscopy

You are most likely to have an endoscopy to look at the inside of your

Gullet (oesophagus)
Duodenum - the first part of the small bowel that attaches to the stomach
Large bowel (colon)
I didn't want you to think I didn't know what I was taking about when I mentioned the bowel:yesyes:

21-05-08, 08:45
Hi There,

I had an endoscopy for IBS, it did not hurt or anything just felt a bit odd. The main thing is trying to stay calm and your natural reflex will be to gag but the nurses will talk you through it and calm you down. I had mine done without sedation and felt much calmer knowing what was happening. The camera is on a long tube and there are no sharp edges so you will be fine.

Good luck


21-05-08, 12:37
Hi Pigtails ..... if you are having an endoscopy thats going through your mouth - i think you might want to be sedated, otherwise you might experience a choking feeling. I had one when i was 15.

I honestly think its best to have one with sedation.... infact i didnt think they would offer them without one.

21-05-08, 14:54
pigtailplaits, i agree with getting sedated. please do. I have suffered from post trauma for years and panic attacks. about two years ago i had an endoscopy and i too thought i wouldnt need the sedative. Well I had a panic attack and it made the procedure a whole lot worse. Please please reconsider and take the sedative. thoughts with you for tomorrow and you will be fine, but please for your anxiety take the sedative xxxxx take care