View Full Version : nip it in the bud or an illusion?

21-05-08, 02:12
Hi. This is my first post on this site. I had my 2nd panic attack yesterday, may 19th, 2008. My first one was 1.5 yrs ago when my daughter was ill and had not yet had a biopsy for the lump on her neck. A few months later we found out our research was confirmed she had Hodgkins Lymphoma. Not only was my daughter an issue, my dad was seriously ill with a stroke and other health issues, my sister in law has terminal cancer (ovarian spread to lungs), and my other daughter albeit wasn't suicidal anymore that we noticed, wanted a baby with a nasty man almost twice her age who was involved with selling illicit drugs :O

Things just seemed piled up and I felt so responsible for all the problems in my family and their lives yet no one seemed to listen to me about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and annual cleanses for blood, lymph and colon etc...

In the process of my being overwhelmed with "everyone else's problems" I started feeling more and more run down, fatiqued etc. I too however am recovering from severe hypothyroidism from two years ago when I ended up in the hospital (may of 06} and have been having difficulty getting my hormone replacement levels to where I am feeling myself again.

1.5 years ago I had a panic attack. I was driving home from work on the freeway and had to pull over for about 1/2 hr to regain my composure. I had another one yesterday, much more severe than the first one and today I still feel fatiqued from it with a splitting headace and many other symptoms. I am living with my two daughters, taking 24/7 care of my 8 month old granddaughter (since her birth) and doing all the chores around the home, I mean ALL the chores while my two girls work full time. One works full time and is also finishing up a bachelors degree (the one with remission of Hodgkins lymphoma)....

My younger daughter, the one who recently had the baby, isn't really very healthy and resists anything I tell her about getting healthy (even though I have two degrees in biology, ecology, zoology and natural history....). I find I have to basically try to ignore her nasty mouth and lack of education/mood swings and lack of care about how I feel.

Anyway, my panic attack yesterday left me basically feeling like a pile of quivering goo for a few hours. I felt like I was dying and almost went to the hospital until I realized most if not all of my symptoms were anxiety/panic attack. My father is on meds for them but he is in his mid 80s and is coming out of a stroke from last summer with all types of rehab, mostly physical and cognitive. My younger brother has actually also been on meds for panic attacks. I was always the Go Getter, stronger person in the family who seemed to get things done and never drank or self medicated, unlike my brothers and father. My mother is 87 and still golfs and never drank or smoked.

I guess I'm just flooded with a sense of over responsibility to my grand daughter, guilt about my children and their problems/illnesses etc. and my own recovery from thyroid disease which left me with many health issues I am trying to overcome with slow but good success.

I found this panic attack yesterday to be really debilitating. I took a valium an hour or so after I was able to calm down and that helped a little, made me sleepy. I don't get much sleep due to my taking care of this infant child, which is probably one of my biggest problems is lack of sleep.

I'm thinking of making a appt with my MD this week to discuss my problem with this last panic attack. It was HORRIBLE.

I am now really sad about Senator Kennedy and his brain tumor, of which I feel he most likely won't return to the senate, in that case, we will lose a very important person in the road to recovery after the Bush Junta here in the usa.

I am an atheist and live in Michigan. Single and taking care of family members in their times of need.

I am considering taking yoga classes at the cancer center for destressing as well as quitting my one cup of coffee every morning, even though it is organic coffee, I'll start drinking herbal teas again more often. I eat a good diet, organic, whole grains, very little meat, no dairy etc. I do however crave dark chocolate from time to time :O my only vice. I don't drink or smoke. ugh. All day long I've been studying up on Panic attacks/anxiety disorder to find ways to calm my nerves and recover from this horrible situation.



21-05-08, 07:30
Hi Sintek

You sound like you have a lot going on at home, and I wouldn't be surprised if this build-up of stress is what caused your latest panic attack.

Is there no way that anyone else in the family could help with the chores around the home? Its commendable that you look after your family, but who looks after you? YOU need to look after you a bit more hun :hugs:

Taking Yoga classes sounds like a great idea. They are great for relaxation and it would also get you out of the house for a while.

By the way, welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

21-05-08, 07:48
Hi Sintek,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
You can choose your friends but you can't choose your family.
When I started getting better in AA,I used to look at people who were suffering.I wanted to take them,shake them and say can you not see what is on offer here.
Life is not that simple.People have the right to be right and the right to be wrong.Kids will always rebel against their parents and want to make their own way in life.Rather than try to fix them,you might be better served just living your life and leading by example.
Constantly worrying about their problems will only hurt you mentally.
Fix yourself and show them what is possible.
Best wishes,

milly jones
21-05-08, 10:12

use nmp as a little 'me' time to relax with friends

welcome to nmp

milly xxxx

21-05-08, 14:16
Hello Sintek Sorry To Hear About Everything Going On When We Are Stressed Things Build And Build And Ive Noticed That When I Get Anxiety Attacks More So, Yes I Agree With Kennedy My Sister And I Were Talkin About It Yesterday And I Just Feel Like A Pit There Since You Know Kennedys Are So Popular In The Politacal Feild And Bad Luck In There Family I Live Right By The Compound And Know Ted Personally, And Some Nephews... Well Anyways I Wish Ya Well And You Will Find Lots Of Info Here And Support....linda

21-05-08, 14:18
hiya Sintek, :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :biggrin:. you will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. you are dealing with so much in your life at the moment so its no suprise that you are feeling the way you do. we will all try to help you as much as we can so keep posting about what ever is on your mind.
love and happiness
take care


21-05-08, 15:02
Hello and welcome to NMP.

You will find lots of useful advice here and also make lots of new friends along the way who truly understand how you feel.


22-05-08, 00:43
:welcome: to the site. You will find that many here will know how you are feeling. I also have hypothyroidism and you are right it can take the life right out of you. It does cause other issues with your body. You do need to take care of you so that you can take care of others. I would make an appt. with your doctor to discuss your options. It also seems to me like you need some sort of a support system set in place. Good luck and keep us posted.

