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View Full Version : Stomach and Acid Reflux!

21-05-08, 13:14
I have been on Citalopram for 3 weeks this friday and I am finding that I am not feeling the effects yet.

Since suffering from Anxiety/Depression 6 weeks ago i have had terrible stomach pains and acid reflux,trapped wind?Admittedly the acid orignally was waking me up in the night and i couldnt eat at all so it has eased but does anyone else suffer with this. Evry time i swallow i can feel the acid..AWFUL!!!

I have never suffered from this before so as you can imagine all these health questions are going around in my head???etcetc

Im goign to the docs tongiht to see if he can perscribe me something to settle this acid reflux?

Any feedback would put ny mind at rest?


clarkybird x

21-05-08, 14:49
Hello clarkybird, my doctor tells me that the first place usually to be affected by anxiety is the digestive system. I have the horrible acid coming up too and I would be lost without my remegel and gaviscon. Glad you have an appointment with doc cos he will give you something to help these symptoms and I hope that you will fell better soon. Take care.

21-05-08, 14:57
Hi Ya,

Thanks for replying to me....I think if i get this under control then I will be able to start to feel better as I am constantly thinking about the taste in my mouth and when i am breathing..Did yours improve in time?Did you take any medication?

Did you have the tummy gurgling to??


21-05-08, 17:33
Hi there. I'm going through EXACTLY the same thing myself. Terrible indigestion, bloated feeling, sometimes after a meal, I feel as if I've eaten a horse :ohmy: I've been on some tablets for 8 days now and to be honest, I haven't really felt the benefit. I've had some bloods taken to check things out and I'll be back at the doctors soon to have a follow up appointment - and hopefully get some new tablets.

It's blooming awful though and I believe it's a very common problem amongst people. Let us know how you get on

21-05-08, 21:50
Hello Clarkybird
I sypatise with you as i suffered from acid refux for years before my doctor sent me for tests and discovered that i had helicobactor pylori ( a bug that cause me to have two small ulcers ). I hope you get it sorted and you don't have to put up with it for long.. :)