View Full Version : 1st panic attack

21-05-08, 13:16
Hi all, I had my first panic attack on Monday evening, resulting in my husband calling the doctor, who called an ambulance, the paramedics were excellent and stayed with me whilst i "calmed" down, although I did manage to calm myself, yesterday morning i could feel it all happening again the doctor has prescribed a short course of diazepam and propranolol but i still am really worried that this could all happen again, and feel myself sinking found this web site whilst searching for help and advice, already feel better knowing i am not alone :)

21-05-08, 13:29
Hi and :welcome:

You must try hard not to fall into the fear of having another panic trap!!!

That is the one thing guaranteed to cause one!!!

Try hard not to focus on it do anything to take your mind off it:D

You will get loads of help and support here and YOU ARE NOT ALONE:hugs:

Best Wishes

Kaz x:D

21-05-08, 13:35
No matter how many years have passed, I'd bet that just about everyone here on this site can describe in full detail their own panic attack (time, place, circumstances, etc.). So it does certainly leave an impression! Welcome to the web site. You'll find a lot of information and resources here that will help you along the way.

21-05-08, 14:06
Hello Ritchie And Welcome........i Wish Ya Well.........linda

Pink Panic
21-05-08, 14:09
Hello Ritchie and Welcome :hugs:

You will get some great advice here.


21-05-08, 14:19
hiya ritchie, :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :biggrin:. you will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. we will all try to help you as much as we can so keep posting about what ever is on your mind.
love and happiness
take care


21-05-08, 15:01
Hello and welcome to NMP.

You will find lots of useful advice here and also make lots of new friends along the way who truly understand how you feel.


milly jones
21-05-08, 16:12
hi ritchie,

u are welcomed sincerely to the nmp family,


21-05-08, 16:40
Hi Ritchie

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

21-05-08, 17:43
hi :welcome: you will find loads of friendly ppl and advise on this site, it has been my lifeline somedays.
i know its hard but try not to worry about having another attack, the symptoms produce more fear so you end up with it being a viscious circle.
what you have to do if you do have another attack is to think im o.k this attack can not hurt me try singing a song in your head or repeat the alphabet backwards, something to distract you. take big deep breaths and try to stay calm.
easier said than done i know ive been there many a time
hope this helps a little
remember you are not alone:flowers:

21-05-08, 18:16
Hi Ritchie,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

22-05-08, 00:49
Hi Ritchie,

:welcome: to the site. You will find that many here will know how you are feeling.

