View Full Version : Coming off Propranalol

21-05-08, 16:36
Hiya.I am thinking about asking my gp about coming off my propranalol.(beta blockers)I have been on them about two years now,I haven't had a panic attack in a long long time and I feel that I dont need to be on them any more.I am still on citalopram which Im happy to stay on.
I wont come off them until I have had my review,but I would like to know do you need to come off these slowly,or are they just stopped.:hugs:

21-05-08, 16:43
I just stopped them after I ran out and I had horrible side effects, dizzy spells, my eyes went funny and I felt really out of it for quite a while. I'd say probably come off them slowly but check with your doctor first.


Pink Panic
21-05-08, 17:14

When i found out i was pregnant with my daughter i was advised by the GP to reduce them gradually and that's the way i got off them completely.
Check with your own GP first though Ellen just to be on the safe side.

Well done in your recovery. :hugs:
