View Full Version : Thought I'd say Hi

21-05-08, 21:09
I've just stumbled onto this site, thought I'd join and see how I go, I've suffered on and off with depression and anxiety for around 20 years now. Just starting psychotherapy to try and help, tried CBT last year but my depression and anxiety are worse than ever before.

It would be nice to chat with others who know what its like to live with anxiety and depression, as no-one close to me understands what its like.

thanks for listening


21-05-08, 21:17
hi there and welcome i am having cbt at the moment for anxiety related problems and its going great, i have really connected with her and she is the only one really who kind of understands and really listens, even if i do have to pay her haha. but its really difficult for people who havent been through these sort of problems to understand and i get quite annoyed because my family dont understand and i think well why not educate yourself and then u may understand but i dont think some people do, well not in my family anyway. but this is so common now days especially with added stresses with life in general and thats why this site is great cos people really do understand here and support each other, ive made some lovely friends and so will u. i conquered depression by brisk walking ever day kind of walking out my frustrations and upsets and after a few weeks i became motivated, positive, happier and after a while was depression free and i lost a stone too, i get my odds days still but i still walk alot and keep busy and im pretty good really, so mayb you could try something like that, hugs to u xxxxxxxx

21-05-08, 21:37
Hi Catmad
You're among friends and fellow sufferers here; i find it comforting to share views and hope you do too...:)

eternally optimistic
21-05-08, 21:54

Hope you like the site and get something good out of it.


22-05-08, 00:54
Hi Cat,

:welcome: to the site. You will find that many here will know how you are feeling.



22-05-08, 07:34
Hi Cat

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

22-05-08, 07:41
Hi Cat,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

22-05-08, 09:24
Mom is that you?only joking :D sorry me mom has 13 cats and i was just wondering.

hiya cat :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :D . you will get lots of support/advice /reasurance and make some great friends along the way. you are amonst ppl who totaly understand how you are feeling and we will help you as much as we can.
take care.

ps you prob dont want me as a friend after asking are you my mom. but im realy nice just a bit of a joker, sorry
love and happiness to you.

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
22-05-08, 09:31
Hi catmad,
I have just joined too,
and I find it frustrating when poeple don't understand how we feel, my ex-wife used to say "don't be a wimp, snap out of it" sort of thing!!

I have been refered for CBT Tuesday, I am hoping it will help me.

Not sure if you read my indroduction post but on top of all this I have a drink problem. And I suffer from serious depression.

22-05-08, 12:37
Hello Cat And Welcome You Will Find Support Here And Lots Of Info.........wish Ya Well.............linda


22-05-08, 13:35
:welcome: Catmad sorry you are suffering http://www.boomspeed.com/1631951/Hug-cat.gif

Tis so hard when others don't understand hey. I do understand what it's like to tis horrid.:lac: You will find lots of support on here.:winks:

I'm guessing you like cats by your name! I adore Cats http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_1_23.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB)to well all animals really I have 3 Rescue Cats myself.

If ever you want to chat please feel free to PM me or send me an e-mail just click on my name.

Hope you are ok.:flowers:

Take care,

Love Pip's X X

22-05-08, 14:18
Hello Cat and welcome to the forum.

We have two cats, a brother and sister that we named hugs and kisses.

They were abandonded in a box as kittens on a doorstep.

Hugs (the male) is a very large coon cat. My wife cannot even pick him up with his weight. Kisses, his sister, is very tiny and petite.

I like to buy them special treats, such as fresh fish from the market. I like to spoil them.

24-05-08, 20:34
I hope your chosen therapy works for you. I would just say at this point 'make sure you feel totally comfortable with and accepted by your therapist and don't feel that you have to please her/him. It can be tempting to sometimes say what you think the other person wants to hear and not what you truly feel'. Good luck.