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22-05-08, 01:19
Hello my name is Sarah I am 26 and have been getting panic attacks for the last 3 year, I have found I seem to be getting alot worse and when ever I am in a situation I cant walk out of or get out off I have a major panic attack.
This means I do not go on trains planes, lifts public loos rooms with out wiindow any where with a locked door.
My mum has booked a holiday for me and my 2 children aged 3 and 6, but the very thought fills me with terror.
When i say any thing they say oh u will be fine u will love it, stop thinking about panic attacks. NO HELP AT ALL!!!!!!
This then makes me more stressed as they have not got the first idea how I am feeling, and I can see by there faces they just wanna say oh pull your self together.
The Dr gave me Citalopram about a year ago but I am so scared of taking tabs I wont even take a pracetamol if I am ill that i have left them in the cupboard, after maybe my 3rd time this week of just crying uncontrolble as I feel so frustrated with my self I look forward to nothing due to my panic and listening to my poor babies saying dont cry mum we will look after u, I just took the first dose of citalopram and have to keep on I have to get better for them.
I am now feeling a little light headed and sleepy and am praying these tablets work. When u say it will take 4/6 weeks to kick in will I feel better if they agreee with me to face my phobias of trains ETC......
ok sorry about that long story, feeling pretty awful tonight and once I started could not stop.
Thank u for reading.
Many thanks Sarah

22-05-08, 01:27
Hi Sarah,

:welcome: to the site. You will find that many here will understand how you are feeling. It took me at least 3 weeks for my meds to kick in and they did help me. I too had anxiety about absolutely everything and my children had no life at all, nor me. I also had counseling and it helped too. You are not alone, I'm glad you are getting help, it will get better.



22-05-08, 07:35
Hi Sarah,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

22-05-08, 07:36
Hi Sarah

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
22-05-08, 09:37
Hi Sarah,
I was prescribed those tablets you are on, the side effects are quite bad for the first few days, The reason I stopped taking them is I dont mean to be rude and I hope this doesnt brake rules of forum, but it ruined my sex life as I couldnt ejaculate.
But the Guy I saw the other Day at the alcohol unit said there are other options that may help.

Also I understand when you say no-one understands, that pees me off big time.


22-05-08, 11:16
hiya Sarah, :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :biggrin:. you will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. we will all try to help you as much as we can so keep posting about what ever is on your mind.
love and happiness
take care


22-05-08, 12:20
Hello Sarah And Welcome...i Wish Ya Well......linda

22-05-08, 14:33
Hi Sarah, welcome to the forum!

22-05-08, 15:05
Hi Sarah,
I'm new here too. I understand what you mean about the thought of going on holiday fills you with terror. In 5 weeks time myself, husband and two kids are off to Zante for our honeymoon/holiday and i'm so scared that i'm going to suffer panic attacks when i'm over there. I can't not go as it's cost us a fortune and i am looking forward to it but as each day passes and it gets nearer to us going i'm becoming more and more anxious.

Hopefully the Citalopram will work for you, when are you going?

Take care xx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
22-05-08, 16:16
Hi Amyb,
I know it may not be much comfort or use to you, but you can get your GP to give you some valium for the flights, I had to do that when I went on our Honeymoon to Cyprus December just gone, it doesnt take away the full symptoms but is worth taking, even if it helps a little.

I have a massive fear of flying and that was a 4 Hour flight, I hated it!

What was worse was on the flight back the plane had problems with the flaps, but as I took those tablets I coped ok.

Most people hate flying because of fear or heights or fear of being in a closed area, I was just scared of crashing!

Doesnt help when my 14 year old step son likes watching plane crash programmes! LOL

good luck.


22-05-08, 16:37
Hi Sarah and welcome :)


23-05-08, 12:02
Hi Sarah,
I'm new here too. I understand what you mean about the thought of going on holiday fills you with terror. In 5 weeks time myself, husband and two kids are off to Zante for our honeymoon/holiday and i'm so scared that i'm going to suffer panic attacks when i'm over there. I can't not go as it's cost us a fortune and i am looking forward to it but as each day passes and it gets nearer to us going i'm becoming more and more anxious.

Hopefully the Citalopram will work for you, when are you going?

Take care xx
Hi ya, thank u for your reply, I am ment to be going at the end of June.... I cant wait for it to be over! I am hoping the Meds are going to help out alot,Im not sure how they are going to help to be honest but fingers crossed. I am on day 3 now of 10mg and the side effects really dont seem to bad an upset tummy and a little spaced out feeling but not really to bad.
I haev been readin about the meds and it seems to be more for depression then a panic disorder. This is what I have been told I have now. Just want it to go now lol Suppose evey one does.