View Full Version : Sharp Head Pain

22-05-08, 06:24
Hi, I am back again. This forum has helped me so much and just reading posts seem to help me. Thanks again for this FORUM it is GREAT.

For the last two days I have been getting sharp pain on the top left hand side of my head, does not last long more like a ZAP but enough to stop me in my tracks.

I am really worried (for a change):huh: . I only went to the doctors on Monday for some more medication and this started on Tuesday, do I need to go back.

I have tried paracetomal (sorry for spelling) but they still come back.

Thanks for reading and any replies.

22-05-08, 09:34

I suffer with this from time to time.

Its all part of my anxiety

love mandie x

22-05-08, 13:10
Thanks for your reply. It is really worrying me today and finding it hard to conetrate on work. Had a panic attack on the way in to work which was awful as not had one for a while.

When will this every end:weep:

31-05-09, 20:55
Do you still get this head pain? I am suffering from the same at the moment....

31-05-09, 22:18
i get sharp headaches too, just like you describe. i have had 2 head ct's in the past 4 years, for these headaches and others. they seem to be part of my anxiety, as the ct's have always came back normal. the bad things with these headaches is that theres not a lot you can do, as they are so short and spontaneous it would be pointless to take any pain reliever.

01-06-09, 09:50
headaches are awful neuisances cos you get told or I did,never to assume wit headaches and any pain to get checked out..you have though sweety and they have said it's anxiety.. sometimes instead of head zaps,i get the sensation something is "crawling" all over my head! ive been in the twon centre and smacking my head cos i think theres a bug on my head seriously!

know what it is?yeah..anxiety. *hits anxiety with big fat stick*

xxxxxxxxxxx feel better soon petal. xxxxxxxxxxxx