View Full Version : Its back & i feel terrible, so sad, help me

22-05-08, 08:27
Have been doing much better for the past two weeks after meds raised to 60mg, but three days ago anxiety came back with avengence, depression has dropped over me again and im feeling terrible! I feel so ill, panicy and sad. My CPN said yesterday i was bound to have up and down periods but i feel soooo bad. Woke up this morning feeling really sick and panicing. My partner has had to go into work late as i begged him to take the kids to school, (i have no pride anymore!) he is, but i know he's getting increasing embarrassed at work about late attendence even though they have said its okay, but this has been going on a long time now on and off. He has a very important job and has to end up cancelling meetings with big bosses etc...
I just cant stop crying, what should i do just go back to bed, and curl up? The panic wont stop, i feel terrible, please someone help me. Why cant i just be normal, im so out of control again........help me, i feel so frightened and alone!
All i wanna do is cry and cry........ :scared15: :weep: :scared15: :weep:

Pink Panic
22-05-08, 08:45
Hi Charlie,

Firstly here's a hug :hugs:
I think your CPN is right and ups and downs are normal. The downs always seem worse after we have had good days as you immediately think the worst and that you are back to square one instead of just thinking of it as a blip.
Please don't feel guilty about your partner being late etc., as you said his work are understanding.
I'd prob go and try to relax now since you are all wound up, maybe chill in your bed with a book if you can concentrate or do some relaxation, maybe even a nice bath ..... anything to take your mind off your symptoms and try and relax.
Who knows maybe the day will improve as sometimes days that start badly can improve as the day goes on.
Stay strong hun and be kind to yourself.
Take good care, :hugs:


22-05-08, 08:46
So sorry that you are feeling bad again. Please try not to add to your anxiety by worrying about your partner having to help you out. You really need his help at the moment, he knows that and is happy to help you.

Remember this will pass, you will feel better and in control. Try to practice any techniques you have learnt for managing your panic. There are some really good links here that will show you some really good methods of anxiety management.

Try to do something that you enjoy today because you don't need to punish yourself, you deserve to be happy.:bighug1:
Hope you feel relief soon.
Willow 1 xx

22-05-08, 09:30
Hi Charlie

Soory to hear yr feeling bad today.

We will have our ups and down days

I am going through bad day today to

love mandie x

Cathy V
22-05-08, 12:37
Hi Charlie, sorry you're feeling so bad at the mo. What meds are you on by the way? as we all know sometimes they can make the anx worse and not better :wacko: as my experience with propranolol showed me. My new neds seems to ok and at a much lower dose. Just wondered if there might be a connection with yours too?

Best wishes
Cathy xx :)

Cathy V
22-05-08, 12:38
Hi Charlie, sorry you're feeling so bad at the mo. What meds are you on by the way? as we all know sometimes they can make the anx worse and not better :wacko: as my experience with propranolol showed me. My new neds seems to ok and at a much lower dose. Just wondered if there might be a connection with yours too?

Best wishes
Cathy xx :)

22-05-08, 13:44
Hi Charlie, I know exactly how you feel I was absolutely fine no panic attacks or nerves for five years then mine has come back with avengance! Try to remember that while you are feeling utter terror panic and bewilderment your body has adrenaline running through it so your thoughts may be heightened and intensified! I know the feeling, everything feels so traumatic and dramatic but it's not really, it's just a feeling, just wait for it to pass, which it will. Take care X

22-05-08, 13:59
I think everyone has already covered it all in their posts above, so I'll just write and send my thoughts and support.

Also, it is absolutely true that no one makes a recovery from this without the dreaded "bad days". It is to be expected, is a "normal" part of the process.

Plus, each bad day allows you to practice coping skills and become better.

Believe it or not, imagine yourself finally having a bad day and saying "so what, bring it on?". Can you imagine that? Well, it's true.

Hang in there and we're thinking of you today.