View Full Version : Today I have.......Thursday

22-05-08, 08:59
This is the place to put your achievement/s for today no matter how tiny they were to you they were a triumph xxhugxx :hugs:

You cannot appreciate the Rainbow without the rain.


22-05-08, 09:00
The most wasted of all days
is one without laughter.


Yesterday was one of those days, thank you to all who sent me hugs to show how much you care.

22-05-08, 10:25
Today I have...............to say WELCOME BACK lindy xx Glad you are feeling better. It's my day off today and I think I'm gonna make a nice dinner for the boys, that's the b/f and the son and the b/f's mate who is coming round tonight lol Other than that I'm just chilling. Hope everyone has a good day!

Pooh x

22-05-08, 10:40
Thank you Pooh, not feeling any better but getting to the pc when I can. Hope you have a really good day today. xxhugxx:hugs:

Cathy V
22-05-08, 11:28
Hi Lindy, good to see your garden again. I read these posts every day but never really add to them coz i usually don't feel ive acheived anything much! but each day i'm managing to get out more, thanks in a big part to my lovely daughter emma whos over here with us for the summer. She coaxes me to have a little walk around the town every day. I never feel like going, and if i'd been alone i prob wouldn't bother but with her help ive been doing it, and its been helping me so much. We even went for a swim the other week, so she's helping me to feel more 'normal' again.

Thanks em....you're my angel :noangel:

Today ive also had a 24hr heart monitor fitted and feel like i'm plugged in and being re-charged!

Hope you feel better soon Lindy
Take care
Cathy xxxx :hugs:

22-05-08, 14:48
Lindy, sorry to hear that yesterday was "one of those days" for you. We all know those too well. I hope today finds you better. I've just started posting on this thread of yours . . . although I've been a background reader of it for some time now.

Cathy: good luck with your 24-hour monitor.

As for me: Today is the 25th year that I will (hopefully) walk home from the store with two, 20-pound (8kg?) bags of BBQ charcoal on my shoulders (one hoisted up on each shoulder). It is over 1 mile from the store to my house. I do this walk each year just before our memorial day holiday -- just to see if I can still do it. This is an important day for me in so many ways. I know the day is coming when I will have to stop, rest, and begin again. And then, the day will come when I can no longer do it anymore at all. But as long as I still CAN do it -- from start to finish -- its an affirmation that I'm good for another year. I'm very excited about it, and being able to tell everyone over the weekend that I did it again for yet another year (I hope).

Cathy V
22-05-08, 14:53
Thank you Nev, i won't know the results for about a week but deep down i think i know it'll be ok...the others have been.

Good luck with your walk, and remember....'he aint heavy, he's my charcoal!'

Cathy :D

22-05-08, 16:28
hi cathy just wanted to say glad u feeling recharged and happy and that u have a lovely time with your daughter xxxxxxxxx

Cathy V
22-05-08, 18:42
Thanks donna, and after reading about your mums visit i can't say i envy you...what with your mumand pauls it must be a nightmare for you. Hope you get through it all in one piece and all yr friends on nmp will be here if you need to slip away in the middle of the night to log on!

Cathy xxx :hugs:

22-05-08, 18:48
thanku very much cathy:hugs:

22-05-08, 20:10
I've not done anything life-changing today but feel so proud of everyone that has :hugs:

22-05-08, 20:26
Hi Lindy.. I hope you are feeling better. xxx
I have been to work, down the town and to the gym. I havent felt too anxious today and, although a little tired now, I feel o.k ( even tho the other half is on nights):ohmy: :ohmy:

I actually feel quite confident.
I have been taking 5HTP for the last couple of weeks and I feel it is having some sort of positive effect.... YAY!!!!:D

22-05-08, 20:29
today i have booked myself onto a reiki course in feb next year. im going on my own so am scared about meeting new people but i thought i needed a challenge.... ive certainly given myself one..... its only a 2 day course but im hoping it will throw my life into a different direction.:flowers: