View Full Version : please help,now scared got ovarian cancer

22-05-08, 09:37
hi everyone,
i dont know why i suddenly think i have this,i get ovulating pain in my right ovary every single month never my left always the right,the dr says this is ok as it is just ovulation pain,i can pinpoint when i will get it and sometimes it hurts a little more than other times.i have had a little feel today of my body where i think my ovaries are,it doesnt hurt when i touch them and both sided feel more or less the same i think its just bodily tissue i can feel with them both feeling more or less the same,there is no lumps as in lump kind of things but it feels bumpy on both sides and my right side is just slighlty a bit more raised than my left but no pain,i have no other symptoms of ovarian cancer (soory but i googled),am i worrying over nothing?is it just tissue i can feel?

sorry its a long post

jennie xx:ohmy:

22-05-08, 10:14
Hi Jennie. It's perfectly normal to feel both sided or one sided pain during the middle of your cycle.

And what you are feeling is normal lumps and squishy stuff we have in there, lots of fibrous tissue and muscle.

22-05-08, 10:21
I get pain in my mid cycle and its horrible.
Had scans and nothing was found on my overies just some fibroids in my womb.
The doctor told me some people get these mid pains there is a medical word for it but cant remember :blush: .
If you are worrid go see your GP they will put your mind at rest or send you for scans if they feel they should.

Good luck and stop Googling (coming from the google queen)

22-05-08, 10:35
ive got myself in a right state,i keep prodding and now they do hurt,just rung my mum and she says there is nothing wrong,it feels like a an almond shape with one a bit bigger than the other
jennie xx

22-05-08, 11:38
Try not to keep prodding them Jennie :blush: they're delicate little things and you may bruise them and make them hurt

22-05-08, 11:49
rang dr surgery she couldnt fit me in with her but she got me in to see the nurse.she said its not my ovaries,thank god,they are just glands which then made me panic even more as what i had read on google about hiv,which has now convinced me that i could have hiv,i explained my concern to the nurse and she said im not in a high risk group and i would have other symptoms,oh my god im now petrified.she asked why i thought i was at risk i told her i had a 1 night stand 5 years ago and stupidly didnt use protection,i have never had any other std,and as far as i am aware he was not gay etc,she said i would know something was wrong,that is the wrong thing to say to a HA sufferer!!please help me get this into perspective of my risk of hiv

jennie xx

22-05-08, 12:13
rang dr surgery she couldnt fit me in with her but she got me in to see the nurse.she said its not my ovaries,thank god,they are just glands which then made me panic even more as what i had read on google about hiv,which has now convinced me that i could have hiv,i explained my concern to the nurse and she said im not in a high risk group and i would have other symptoms,oh my god im now petrified.she asked why i thought i was at risk i told her i had a 1 night stand 5 years ago and stupidly didnt use protection,i have never had any other std,and as far as i am aware he was not gay etc,she said i would know something was wrong,that is the wrong thing to say to a HA sufferer!!please help me get this into perspective of my risk of hiv

jennie xx

Jennie - relax, deep breaths. First of all I can feel my glands, they are very prominent and I even went to the doctor earlier in the year on a panic because (after googling about them) I had convinced myself I had some lymphatic disease :ohmy: . Anyway, turned out they were perfectly normal. From what you've said, I dont think you've got anything to worry about re HIV. Try and relax and eliminate these thoughts from your mind.

Whatever symptom you google, you will always get a link for a cancer illness, neurological, HIV etc etc. The list is endless.

If you goggle headache, you will get the same answer - you will always find a page where cancer is linked - you wont win.

22-05-08, 12:27
thanks for your post, i am trying to relax but im getting really upset now,im so scared ive got it,my glands are not up anywhere else it is just at the top of my groin,i think they have always been like it but im not sure now,why did i have to be so stupid 5 years ago.
i keep trying to rationalise things like, if it was that easy to catch after a one night stand a lot more people in his country would have it, i have had an abortion 4 years ago and i was quite poorly after i was getting a lot of pain down there and they didnt know what it was coming from so i had scans,and numerous blood tests every other day for 10 days and i was also taken to theatre for a laproscopy because they didnt know what was causing the pain,surely if i had it something would have been picked up as wrong and further tests done?? am i right in thinking that??
im in such a state now